Sunday, January 15, 2012

Fairy Dreams....................


Fairies.They are just so beautiful. At least we seem to imagine them to be. From childhood I have loved the idea of Fairies and now I love the artwork so popular now. Did anyone see the movie "A Fairy Story"? about the little girls who photographed fairies. It was well done and filmed in such beautiful surroundings. Especially along the Beck. With all the bluebells and the glittering waters and beautiful woodlands, who could not believe that Fairy folk lived there.


I want to draw and paint some pictures of my own, but I can't help but keep looking at what's out there on the web. Fairies are popular, there's so much to look at. I like the ones who ride on backs of dragon flys or sleep in birds nests. They paint the flowers and wear them as . So beautiful. I imagine them hiding in British hedgerows and riding a Cock Robin.

1 comment:

Scrumplescrunch said...

I have just run through your posts as I have been so remiss in catching up,with you. I enjoyed reading your quotes, and reminiscing down memory lane in the UK. I remember the Tin Bath in front of the coal fire, I was the second Child of three, so second in, the water was not too dirty after my sister!.Ha