Sunday, November 16, 2014

Snow Days................

Well the snow is here, it looks like it will stay now. Tristen is enjoying it. He got a new winter coat this year so he is all set with new boots as well. He had some snow pants from last year that fit him well. Then there is the issue of gloves. I got 3 pairs of wool gloves before the snow came.....those do not hold up in wet snow so school says he MUST have some waterprood. OK got some Thursday that he wore Friday and came home minus one glove. Grrrrrr. Got a new pair today and I have put them on a ribbon threaded through his arms on his coat.
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He was having so much fun, trying to hit me with a snowball.......
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He has a great aim. One did get into the house until I sent him further back.........
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Maybe I should invest in some winter boots, or maybe I do have some that I used to wear when I had horses. I will look tomorrow because he has yet to make a snowman.......we must do that. Woo hoo......I am soooooo going to do that tomorrow. Meanwhile this snow ball is dead on the way to hitting me. I closed the door
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So he turned his attention to Granddad who was trying to get the snow blower going.
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Had to have a chat about safety because he was not listening to Granddad........sigh!!!
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As you can see he loves it out there, he loves the snow. We just have to find some things to make it more fun. He was still trying to get me..........lucky I was behind the door
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Meanwhile the poodles are not enjoying it quite so much. The heating pads are their best friends. Brea was outside yesterday and I got this shot of her being very naughty, she was defiant and would not come in. You can see it in those eyes and the set of her tail (showing above her head) little bugger........had to wipe her off with a blanket and stick her on the heating pad.
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Sharing with Inspire Me Monday


LV said...

When you are young, snow can be fun. I will let your family enjoy it. We are having our first freeze, but no snow.

Mac n' Janet said...

Brr, I don't do winter. It will be 78ยช here today, though much colder tomorrow, but just for a day or so.

Noelle the dreamer said...

Ah, you have your hands full Janice!
It is doubtful we will see any snow here on the Pacific NW coastline. I hope there won't be any in Brussels either, not easy to get around the mush!
All the best,

Magic Love Crow said...

Such a cute post! I love it! I think it's funny a snowball went into the house! LOL! My mom's little pup use to love going into the snow too. She would come in with snow all stuck to her fur. Mom would pick her up, with a big warm towel and she would get all nice and warm on her tummy ;o) LOL! Got to love our pets ;o) Hugs ;o) (Please come by my blog)