Thursday, July 25, 2019

Hotter than hades.....

I have been really not liking the heat. The garden is dying and the house is neglected. So what else.....go for a drive, the air is working in the van so off we go. Headed in the usual direction through Suttons Bay and Lake Leelanau stopping for coffee at the Peddling Bean. I also stopped at the Samaritans Closet in Lake Leelanau a nice thrift store. I found a chicken plate and a couple of glass dishes. Will be doing a blog on my last thrift finds. I love this field......stopped to get some cherries I have not had cherries in ages and these were the lovely black cherries.A lady was painting the view of flowers. So pretty.

We took a side road to Traverse Lake and saw this guy in the water by the dock, what a cute face. A small Northern Water snake, harmless.

We stopped at the bridge and Really didn't see much except some lovely Water Lillie's and a small turtle. When I looked at the pictures that I took, well blow me down, I saw some frogs. I didn't see them until I enlarged the picture. I had heard them but for the life of me I couldn't see any. I thought I had missed everything.

There were some beautiful flowers there too.

So then we went along the back roads when we got to Port Oneida. The park service has completely closed off the road where the Beaver lives haha. I have not been on this road this year and I had to visit one of my favourite trees. They have to be very old.

I love driving through the woods. I needed that, windows open, air blowing (have to stay cool) and listening to the birds. Away from traffic and people. I stood in the top field looking down into the farms it's beautiful.

We were too hot to venture to the beaches. We did see the Sandhill Cranes and their young ones.

Next We stopped at the Olson farm so I could take some flower pictures.
I loved the flowers around the Olson Farm, it's open to the public but have been inside before, it's the gardens I like.

So it was that time and we headed home and stopped at the Hayloft. The guy says "I guess you don't need the menu" LOL do you think we are predictable? They also had some pretty Hollyhocks.

I took some pictures on the way home if the storm clouds gathering.
We will be going back out that way on Saturday we are going to meet some friends for lunch in Glen Arbor, till then.


Merlesworld said...

What a lovely way to spend a hot summer's day.
There was a report on our news this morning it reached 42c in Paris yesterday now that is hot even by our standards.

Magic Love Crow said...

What a great day! Truly beautiful and great food! Didn't like the snake! LOL! Take care in the heat! Big Hugs!