Thursday, August 22, 2019

No beach left..............

It was a nice day yesterday so we went for a drive. We went back to the beaches at Good Harbor Bay. There were no beaches haha. People are stomping on the Dunes now and setting up wind breaks and chairs where the Dune grasses should be. People have no respect.

Thing is with Mother Nature, she will recover once man has left. She is in it for the long haul. So we next went to Shalda Creek I wanted to see what it looked like going into Good Harbor Bay. Very pretty and I know the kids would love playing in it. Not this year though. We took the closest trail first but without paddling across we could go no further. Saw a couple of little friends by the side of the creek.

Not wanting to get wet we stopped further down and tried again. There were some ladies doing some paintings and a very nice day for it. I have never tried painting on location.
This area was nice as well, and again the kids would love it.

I had walked along the creek on the other side and met another lady doing a lovely painting in pastels. I saw an "Indian Paintbrush" flower and also some Beaver activity. Couldn't see how recent it was, certainly not too old but the tree had put up shoots so not very recent. There was more older activity further on. Next time we will have to take a longer walk there because it was a lovely trail. Gerry had stayed with the car so I didn't go far. Next time though.

We walked in at another location further back but it would have been a bluff, not too high but not a way down either. The beach was awash and the banks had fallen down, trees in the water. Not safe for me as I find it difficult to see in dappled sunlight.

Well it was not a beach day so we mossied along stopping at one of the old farms in the park. We kept missing it because the drive is somewhat hidden, this time we were watching for it. What a beautiful place it is.
I took this picture of the Shada cabin, I am suspecting this log cabin was built by the folks who named the creek. Must read up on this.

At the back of the farm is woodlands and what is sometimes a river, now rather stagnant.

So we left there and went on to stop at the boardwalk just in case someone was around. I heard the Loons singing and tried for a picture but my lens only caught a hazy picture. I just needed to see them, one was a juvenile. They kept diving and coming up somewhere else. I stood for quite some time just hoping for a good shot but Gerry was in the car so I got a few more pictures and left.

We didn't see any deer and we headed home getting hungry. We couldn't stop for Burrito's at the Hayloft because I am on a diet for the immediate future.......sigh......

1 comment:

Magic Love Crow said...

What an adventure Janice!!! Gorgeous pictures! I haven't tried to paint outside! I should! Big Hugs!