Sunday, April 22, 2018

Michigan in the Spring..........

Sometimes the Spring comes early and sometimes it comes late. It is neither predictable nor reliable. Some years I have bought and planted my flowers in mid April. This year I will be lucky to get them in by the end of May, that is the official start of our growing season. Apparently for good reason. They are half heartedly announcing that the "Winter" Pansies are in. They are hardy little souls that can bloom through the snow. Trouble is if you don't plant those in the Fall that can't happen. I really want to get some but I know that by the time I get them in the ground it will be too hot for them.
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Its somewhat of a joke in these northern states, that one can sunbathe while there is still snow on the ground. It is NOT a myth.
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They do not need to photoshop those Meme's This is me yesterday and Gerry shoveling some of the snow off of the drive where the Van had been pretty much stuck for a couple of days.
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The Poodles were all out sunbathing too. It was not that hot comparatively but I was certainly burning.
The Detroit Zoo.......well it probably was not that bad by now but one does wonder if some of the animals enjoy the extremes of temperatures some years
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The average American house wife (does such a thing still exist?) may not choose to hang out her washing on the line outside. Not that it is allowed in many places anymore
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Today is almost 50 degrees and should be nice this week, at least sunny. We really need the snow to melt so we can get the garden raked and debri curbed by 21st. Oh wait that was yesterday..........bummer.
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The next beautiful thing about Spring in Michigan is the potholes.............yup we have two seasons Winter and Road construction.
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Its not a joke, the roads in Michigan can be a real hazard at this time of year.
Well I just sent Gerry to the store and to fill up with gas..........want anything?
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Hope to get out this week weather permitting.


Merlesworld said...

You have had a cold winter, the spring is just around the corner bet you are looking forward to it.

Magic Love Crow said...

We must live in the same area! LOL! It is exactly the same here! LOL! We are getting pouring rain right now! I think by tomorrow, the snow will be all gone! I want to start transplanting some things too, but, I know to wait till May, like you! Big Hugs!