Wednesday, February 5, 2020

A new direction.........................

Well maybe not a new direction but a change of direction. We started off heading for Elk Rapids. It had been sunny but the sky was still a dull grey. It was hopeful for a short time but didn't come through for us. Heading north to Elk Rapids my camera was just not being cooperative, I have ordered a new cheap one. We shall see how that goes.

The metal sculptures are at The Twisted Fish Gallery in ELk Rapids. Can't wait to visit and see all the new ones in their lovely gardens.....

Can you see the ducks? well I caught up with them on the river in Elk Rapids. I would say a Gaggle of geese but they are Mallards.

What a load of cold bums.......they are sitting on ice. As I stood there were more coming in. One loan seagull on the bank finally joined them on the water. I took a whole bunch of pictures but apparently they didn't come out too well. A whole flock came down while I was standing there so I hoped I got some good pictures but I didn't. It was freezing too. Maybe my camera's didn't like the cold.

We went down by the harbour but none of my pictures were of much good. The ice pancakes were just forming but didn't show up well.

We took the road E Torch Lake dr that wound around the other side of Torch Lake. We saw several deer but I couldn't get pictures. I also saw a Pileated Woodpecker but there was a car behind us so we couldn't stop. It would have been a really good shot too. We stopped to get some coffee and this handsome chap watched us.

Well it was a change of scene but without a reliable camera a bit of a disappointment, especially missing the deer and woodpecker but hey ho. It was better than sitting home and cleaning the bedrooms which is what I would have done haha. Well maybe next time it will be better weather, we certainly saw the deer. Tt would be better with a blue sky also. Sort of sick of the drab grey white sky, makes my pictures dark. Not sure when our next outing will be. Friday we are taking Debbie to lunch and some hobby lobby exploring. Hoped to have Tristen at the weekend but that remains to be seen.

1 comment:

Maureen Hack said...

Those metal pony sculptures are amazing, so life like. I hope you and Gerry were wrapped up warm as it looks awfully cold.