Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Stay at home..................

Monday we went for a drive, it was a rather dull day so it was shorter than usual. Last night we got the command to stay home. Stay put, no travel and so on, as I am sure everyone else has or will. So many people ignoring this. Personally I can't see why we can't go for a drive but until I can find out otherwise we stay put. Not too much to ask really when we see the consequences all too frequently on the news. The more modern generations have not had to deal with hardships, sacrifice or anything like that. My generation and before us, have. When I was a child I didn't know it as anything other than normal. Our folks dealt with rationing, our Mothers and Grandmothers and before them, did. They had to make do. It was normal life for them. My generation once into our teens didn't know what it was from then on and we were let loose from restrictions. Where our clothes were changed once or twice a week growing up, we now wore something different every day. Thankfully most of the Mothers now had washing machines of sorts. My mum had a side by side washer and spinner but clothes were hung on the line outside. When I left school Dad bought us a sewing machine and having learned to sew in school, we would make new outfits to go dancing.

I remember when it ended as I got to play with the ration books. Anyway........what I am saying is this, we are OK. Stay home. Enjoy a book you never had time to read. Watch a movie. Sew. Knit. Crochet. Learn a new skill. Spring Clean.......clean up the garden for Spring. It's almost time and the snow is melting.
I am amusing myself using up my baking stuff I got over Christmas. Today a bread and butter pudding. I made bread for the first time in ages. Two loaves not so good because of the yeast not being the best. (not my pudding, mine's in the oven)

So use up rice and make rice pudding. An old favourite. Wartime rations left us with some really good ideas and we have got used to fast food and so on, well get back to basics. You don't need big meals. Or elaborate dishes to have tasty and cheap food. I am sure, like me a lot of folks have things to use up. Well now is the time, less shopping to do, less runs to the store and so less spreading of the virus.

Phone your neighbour. I just did, made sure Bud has everything he needs. A lovely lady down the road left us some toilet rolls. Hard to find those so I got baby wipes and tissues. Back in the day we could use newspaper and other things but not anymore. The current systems cant handle it. src="http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/640x480q90/922/hHtng1.jpg" border="0">
Fear not, the Lord is with you. He will not forget or forsake you.............and it's really NOT that bad. Was going to start with our outing on Monday but it went in a different direction.

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