Tuesday, April 28, 2020

A walk by the Boardman............

There are still some trails that we are allowed to hike. One is the Boardman River trails. People were out taking advantage even though it's a weekday. We were going to hike by the nature center but way too many cars so we moved to the next trail head. No one there whoopie. First we had gone down to Logans Landing but no birds to be seen except for the Swan. I'm not sure if he was hoping for a treat or was making sure we didn't get close to the nest.

I did see the Tree swallows again, we went back to where the nesting boxes are. Private, so had to stay back.

So down to the Boardman River trails we went. All of that is a part of the Boardman (Lake) River. Since they took out the Dam the river has changed its course. Still a lot of growing back to do but wont take long I bet. It will be beautiful once nature takes over. Meanwhile its not so pretty but a nice walk through fields and woods.

We saw people on the other side but only saw a couple on our side.What we did see was a couple of Canadians and upon closer looks, with babies.

We got a better look once we got down onto the flat ground by the river. This tree shows what Piliated Woodpeckers can do.......

Gerry walking down to the the bench where you can sit and watch the river

I went off to see if I could get some pictures of the babies

The last picture is behind the school bus garage where the buses are going to sleep away the sumner. School must have saved a fortune is gas this year.

1 comment:

The Happy Whisk said...

All those babies look too cute and fluffy.