Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Bored? Not me.................

Of course I am frustrated not getting out to take pictures.I have to say I can never say I am bored. I could really stay put forever if I really had To. Of course I don't want to, I want to get out walking and all that. One thing though, the ticks. So many people are posting that their dogs have ticks on them after walking in the woods and I did too when I was last out. SO I guess the main thing now is to get a spray and use it. I hate the idea of ticks crawling on me, or even worse biting.

Meanwhile I am entertaining myself with back yard photos. I was very happy to see the fish today. The first time we have seen them. The pond needs a lot of work and needs all the leaves to be taken out.

Our almost daily visit from Nelly and Nigel means that Nelly has a dip in the pond. They come up to the deck now, when I see them I go and get bread and throw it to them as they wait patiently. I wondered if she impacted the fish by taking her daily dip. I think she likes the spray from the pump. Isn't she cute. Nigel stands guard.

The Covid19 virus is still going strong. The stay home order is keeping us all in our homes. I know many many people have issues with that. I know the people who go away for winter are having fits after being told to stay where they are. They believe they have a right to come back to summer homes and that they spend their money here. What they don't get is that it doesn't help anyone if they die of the virus or worse bring it here. People need to stop being selfish and just do as they are told. So many dying. I want to go for a drive and really can't see why that's not allowed but until I hear otherwise I will make do here. I will take pictures of the local critters.

we can go to the store so I may have to make a run for bird food. When we need groceries Gerry goes on his own. One less person out there if I stay home.

Nigel and Nelly are not the only ones who like the pond. The birds go to it and so do the squirrels.
I can see the earth coming back to life. Daffs and Hyacinth are popping through.

I am doing my Spring cleaning. What is hardest for me is getting off this thing (computer) and getting on with it, when you have forever its easy to procrastinate. I am working on some deep cleaning so that when I am allowed out I can go. After I am done inside then its time for the garden. Gerry has been raking. It's hard on our old bodies after sitting so long. I can't wait to get out there and this year I can't afford to spend much so I must make do by using what I have. I will re-pot and fertilize. Mostly the wood chips are the first thing I do need. Maybe some blocks to make my wall look better and some slate for the patio. As to flowers well maybe a couple of flats of annuals. No veggies they just don't do well. Anyway, with all the things I have to do here how can I be bored.

I want to do some watercolours and I need to get some sewing done..........I could use a whole year of quarantine and still not be done.......but.....I really do want to get out.


Magic Love Crow said...

Hey Janice! Thanks for coming by my blog! Slowly, I am trying to get around to say hi to everyone! I have missed your gorgeous blog! Thanks for all the great pictures! We can't go out either! My mom stays at home, I go shopping. Sometimes, she goes in the car and just sits in it. I'm not going to work now. I've just started to do some yard clean up as well. I think the most disappointing thing for me, is that my trip is cancelled for this year. But, as long as the world heals, that is the main thing! Please stay safe and healthy! Big Hugs!

The Happy Whisk said...

I'm not bored either but working from home is my Happy Place so this works well. Just made a batch of bread rounds that we'll eat with homemade peanut butter. It's such a simple joy but I love, love, love it.

We bought groceries ahead of time so we are good and hoping not to go back. We stopped doing the once a week shopping back a bit ago and moved to getting more at once. Less trips and if I go, I go alone. If Tim (hubby), goes he goes alone.

That makes more sense to me and yet I still see families and couples going. Or I did. I haven't been out in I think now three weeks. Not sure. I love working from home so I don't know for sure how long it's been since I've been to market.

Stay well and Have fun. Cheers, Ivy.