Sunday, April 26, 2020

Quarantine yes, but a day out........

Only chance we took was to stop at Oleson's on the way home to get chicken for supper. It was super crispy fried up fresh for us. Yummy indeed. I wish I could fry chicken.
Well we headed out Cedar way and stopped to watch a turkey showing off for a few unimpressed females. I had to zoom in so not really a good shot because the grass got in the way. Ah well, I will include him anyway.

We went up Kasben Road to see if we could spot some Bluebirds but nope nothing. So we meanered off towards the lakeshore. Just as we pulled up to M22 we saw a Pileated Woodpecker. It was hard to focus but I got a couple of shots anyway.

Well that was a first, we usually don't see them in time. We just happened to be coming up to a stop sign so it was a stroke of luck. Turning onto M22 we went next to Shalda Creek and down to the beach. I found quite a few Petoskey's in a short time.

I saw a small hawk land in a tree, hard to focus on him but I got a couple of not so hot shots. I can't identify but it looks rather like a Merlin.Looking at my bird book it could be a female Sharp Shinned Hawk or a cooper's Hawk. The light and position made for a difficult ID.

Well that was that and on to Narada Lake. Nothing much to see. The Water lily are just beginning to show under the water but the reeds have not grown up yet so no activity.
Just one loud Redwing Blackbird.

Next we had to go to Port Oneida just because we always do. Sure enough the Sandhills and the Canadians were there. Nothing else we could capture. We are not quite ready for the backwoods trails yet and too many people around to go to the beach. We do need that social distancing thing.

Past the Dunes to Empire next.

No deer about today but the day was great even so. We were hungry so stopped to get the chicken. Enough for tomorrow too so hope to work in the garden tomorrow

1 comment:

The Happy Whisk said...

Hi Janice. Looks like you got many good shots and had a lovely day. Cool beaners. P.S. We have lots of hawks here too. And black birds. And woodpeckers. Lots of birds.