Its time for the children to go back to school, or in the case of my granddaughter Reina it will be first day of Kindergarten. Watch out folks here she comes. Her mother says she will not have her phone on that first week and will give the teachers fair warning. Reina is ready for school. She is smart but her nose has been out of joint since Tristen has been the center of it all. It has been showing in her behavior and we are hoping that school will help. The first few days will be a trial I am sure, or maybe she will surprise us. Tristen will miss her coming over all the time. He will have new interests though because I take care of a couple of children now and then. Besides that Laura and me will be able to take him places during the day. I do so wish children came with an instruction manual. At my age 65, I am no longer sure what I am doing.I love this little guy so much. He has his mothers attitude, we see Alexandra in him so often now. (do read older blogs to find out about Alex, she died in Feb) I see the young Alex, I see her curiosity and her intelligence in him. I want to nurture him as well as discipline him and love him. I don't do Halloween so that will be difficult for us all. His second birthday is coming up soon and none of us can but think of his first birthday with his mother. I am hoping there is so much more we can do before winter comes. I want to get to the beach again, so much to show him, so much to do. Fall is one of the prettiest times of year here in Northern Michigan. If we get a good season, the colours here are just awesome. I would like to get back to the U.P again before the snow fly's but doubt we can afford to do it again. Money is always an issue for us but the Lord provides and we are lucky to live where we do. Fall is a spectacular time of year as far as colour goes. When the pumpkins are laying in the fields and the leaves are red and orange and lime and with the evergreens staying the dark green its really really worth coming here for the colour tours and the orchard tours. The apples and the pears and our local wines and cheeses. Its all worth the trip. Personally I prefer it when all the tourists go home and I get to stay and walk the empty beaches in a nice cool wind. Sometimes a brisk wind .....it doesn't matter just take in the deep breaths of clean pure air. The woods are lovely too and all the little critters are busy getting ready for what must come. Its even better walking when it's cooler and I just can't wait.