Meanwhile, not even much to say here. I spent 3 days decorating for Christmas but really, no one will be here. I did it this time for myself. Everything in the house needs painting or cleaning so it was a good opportunity to clean out and take stock. I do love the Christmas decorations though.

We even got outside done. They alley this year looks great with even more decorations going on. Ours are quite pathetic compared

I did get a new bulb in my outside candle that I made many years ago in ceramics class. It has lasted well. I also got Gerry to put up lights around the porch and I figured out the tree so that is now lit up too. Enough for this year.

No one will be home for Christmas and so I don't have to worry about getting things done. No money for gifts but I do have plenty to give away probably after the holidays. Everyone gets a quilt. I sent Jason the Figis gift tray as he will be alone too. He has so much going on and really hates the drive up here just for an overnight these days. His cats are elderly and need meds etc. Pets sure do tie us down. Laura is working so that lets her lot out and anyway, its better to be at home for Christmas. Justin may come after the holiday for a week so they can have their stuff then. So for now I am free to take my time.
My stack of quilts can wait till I am in the mood.
I have not seen Edna since July. She has been busy, traveling and catching up. We were supposed to finally go to lunch today but she cancelled due to icy roads. I would rather stay home when its like this. That gives me time to make my cheeseballs and get her a gift and maybe see her next week. I have been printing out recipes for ideas of things to make for the gifts. I won't do much as this year there won't be anyone to give them too. I don't need Gerry going into a sugar coma and I sure don't need anything.
Times have changed. My friends are moving away to be near family as they get older. Pretty sure now, we will stay here.
Life changes as one gets older. I have had health issues with blood pressure and sugar diabetes (2) and don't get out walking so much now Laura moved. Gerry is beginning to get into it a bit but won't now the snow is here haha. Ah well it is what it is.

Time to make plans for next year. What I would like to do and what will happen is up in the air. Gerry won't want to go along with my plans so it's a matter of selling my ideas. I want to paint the dining room and in the front two rooms maybe replace the carpet and furniture. With no money that means careful planning haha. He wants a new van............I want a camper. Going to be a challenge because we are on social security haha.......I love that though, the fanangaling (spelling?) a challenge. I figure with as much time as we spend in the home it may as well be looking comforable and nice. I do know we will get the painting done, that's cost effective and makes a big difference. When we put away Christmas is the time to do that. See, I figured that if I put all the normal stuff away it would be easy to do, planning there, ahead, did you see that haha.
I fully intend to have a yard sale next Spring. I said I would not do it again but......still have stuff to get rid of and it brings in extra money, I have enough stuff still to sell and can find lots more. Especially if we do redecorate. I may even make some stuff like wind chimes. Well I can make a lot of stuff if I can get out of this slump of bleh....
Well enough for today, I should get started on sewing, bleh, not in the mood. So who knows..........