So off we go. Saw these guys and had to say hello.

We got to where I wanted to go and Gerry pipes up asking how I know we can go through that gate? I said because we have been coming here for years. Laura and I have explored most places over the last few summers.

We did not expect to see anyone but there were several couples as we came back, and several with dogs. We were puzzled. I found out later it was a Halloween ghost walk. All these old abandoned farm houses. Well at least we were alone while at this one.
Look at these hugging trees

For some reason as I left this place a story came into my mind..........I wrote it down when I got home. I will try and finish the story as it's still sharp in my mind.

In Summer the fields are beautiful with wild flowers.

The Apple trees out back are sort of falling apart and I could see a heart in the shape of this hole.

We walked back through the woods as the first people started arriving. So we headed along the back roads through woods and fields to Esch Rd.
This picture is the nearest farm to the one we had just visited. Maybe 3/4 of a mile away. Imagine that in Winter.

Next stop the beach. There is a road that winds and runs parallel to the beach and main rd, very pretty and many times we see wildlife, not today though.

The trees were still pretty

The Creek runs into Lake Michigan here and it's path on the beach is very different from the last time we were here. Several storms since then has changed the shape of the beach and the water is higher

The colours were striking when we first entered the beach.

The waves have carved out a new route for Otter Creek

I walked down to Otter creek while Gerry brought the car I wanted to see if there were any fish still in there.

I met this guy and his mum, his name is Duck.........he was naughty and loved the water and sticks.

The sky was so blue. It was Ducks mum and another lady who was walking on the beach who told me about the ghost walk. I had left Gerry sitting in the car so we were able to have a nice long chat. Meanwhile Duck was having me throw sticks for him and jumping in the water. We got to talking about other historic places and one was mentioned that we used to visit frequently. I learned something new so I think that will be my next place to visit. Isadore.
Anyway, we left there and headed back to M72 through the back roads.

I found what I was looking for a road to take me to Esch Rd without going through Empire, now we know.
We wanted to get back to M72 and stop to eat at the Hayloft. We had hoped to avoid the kids out Trick or Treating but we didn't

Naturally we had Burrito's but saved money by not having Margarita's. Just coffee for me and a Coke for Gerry.(yeuk)

I was hungry and it was half gone before I remembered to take a picture
I left half as it's huge. I used to eat it all but now I leave 1/2 for Gerry to have next day. Yum.