Lets start with the Blue room. We have not repainted that but I moved the room around.

I bought new bedding to start with. I loved the shade of blue so felt no need for change. I had fun with some new pillows.

The dressing table went back where Gabby had put the bed. I could have used new carpet but a clean was sufficient.

I had some things put away from the last time I decorated the room. I am pretty sure I still have stuff packed away but for now thats good enough.

I still need to get some pictures done and framed but other than that I am pretty much done for now.
The other room I bought new bedding also. Moved a chair down from the entrance and went with more earthy tones.
I didn't want to buy any new furniture so moved some stuff around. The wicker chair my mum bought me and it was getting too much wear upstairs.
The dresser Cooper had broken drawers so Gerry fixed those and it wont get much use so will suffice.

The bedding seemed bright and neutral enough. The blanket on the end of the bed was one that my Mum knitted a very long time ago. It never had a place and it goes well with the colours so finally it has a place.

I had a couple of pieces of amber glass and I will be looking for more. I haven't filled the shelves and bookshelves yet so, well I can look for more. I can collect glass balls and cut glass in amber. I will also buy some nice things too. I am framing pictures and will put some of those around as well.

I have put a picture my Dad did up in this room. An owl. It's never had a place but it does now. Most of the pictures are either embroidered or drawn and the subject is wildlife. I will stick with that theme in there.

Well he too needed a home and for now he has one. I still have several pieces my Dad did. Some I have given away to Carrie and Justin and hope they will find a place for them. Once I am gone I have no control so I am trying to find homes for things made by my parents. Anyway, next job is the basement stairs and then I intend to put up family pictures on those walls. Or maybe I will do that in the hallway upstairs seeing as that has more traffic. Anyway thats done for now.