Mrs Cardinal came in today after I got pictures yesterday of Mr C.

He sat back in a tree watching from afar.

I got some nice pictures of him yesterday. He seemed awful cold

The Blue Jays came today and enjoyed some snacks

They tell me when they are there because the "scout" lets everyone know the feeders are full. The squirrels have to be moderated or they steal and bury stuff. I see the black one has fleas even after the cold haha.

I love the little birds the best but not many have come around this year. They must be finding enough food all about and so I suppose thats a good thing

The Mourning doves hang around all day, they enjoy a nap in the sunshine. Then groom, then come in to feed.

I missed the Starlings. Such beautiful birds but very "flighty" I only got to picture one of them. Most people don't like them but I do. Raucous and they squabble but they are so beautiful in the sun. The colours are incredible. Cow birds are like that too.

Loved this picture so here it is again

Who else came today.....well the Bunny came last night because I saw the foot prints on the porch so she ate again last night. I hope she has a nest under the pines and I hope I see her babies come Spring.

So far there's been no Possoms visit as they have other years, at least none who have let me see them. I put food out to encourage everyone. Just hope the girls don't meet any skunks that also live close by. I want to see them if they come. I encourage all wild things and will feed all who visit. They are welcome to shelter in the garage..........but please don't spray the Poodles again.

Had to stop taking pictures, someone needed to pee.

Wont go out till Monday now if it's nice so back to watching birds. Much later the blue turned to mackerel skies and was still very pretty and sunny.