Come visit my blog it's about the things I love. Family, friends,and things I love to talk about, especially history and maybe fantasy just come and see.My garden blog has pictures I have taken of flowers and fun things I find and recycle as well as places I go and things our family does together. In My Pretty things there are crafts, art,things I collect and beautiful things to share.
Wednesday, March 31, 2021
Spring Sunshine...............
Well that sucks. I had signed out of Blogger at some point and couldn't get back in and so I created another blog, also Bluebell Woods but with JKS attached. SO, I was very confused when trying to start this post and the format had again changed. So to make a long story short I posted on the wrong blog so now I have to begin again. Ah well what else would I do on this cold and snowy day. It's bloody cold out there. Yesterday was a lovely day spent in the garden while Tristen was off climbing Dunes with Grandpa Dan.
Anyway..............Monday was also a beautiful day and so we went out that day. We did the usual things but stopped first at Good Harbour beach, we had not been there in awhile because the road was pretty much closed with snow and ice. This day it was clear. Only one other car there and they left. Just how we like it.
To begin with we stopped to see our favourite cow (it's a boy but ah well) I bet he wonders why we always stop and wave to him, if I ever see anyone there I will ask about him.
Next stop was to show Tristen some goats. I had given him one of my camera's so he might take an interest in photography. You never know.
On we went and this is Good Harbour (Harbor) if you have followed me you will see the beaches are back. The water line has been so high the last couple of years that the trees have come down. Well this year hardly any snow so maybe that's why. Look at the beautiful expanse of beach now.
From there we stopped at Bohemian Road beach. Tristen had brought along his bike, he didn't think he could ride it because he had hurt his knee. Sunday he had been riding out on the road and was carrying his phone (and I suspect his notepad) and fell off. Serve him right for showing off but sadly he got a nasty cut on the knee...............then off he went without a care in the world after much fuss beforehand.
He snuck in a couple of pictures of me with his "new" camera, sorry about that.
We walked, well I walked he rode his bike up by the river. A man was fishing and so we left to give him some peace. With Tristen thrashing around on his bike I thought it only fair haha. Besides the midges were out in the woods. Will remember that next time. Well we didn't see any birds or beasts. I would have hoped someone was out on such a nice day but the deer are having their babies and birds tending their nests I suppose. Pretty soon we should begin to see them again.
So that ended a rather nice day out. Today we are at a loss as to what to do. I wanted to be out in the garden but will wait again until it warms up.
Monday, March 22, 2021
Sleepless Nights..................
Sleepless nights I lay and think. That's probably why I can't sleep.
I plan my garden, plan my home decorating. I think of old friends, times past.I wander down streets I used to know. Go places that no longer exist because progress has mown them down.

I sometimes tell myself stories in the hope of drifting off. Then that leads to other thoughts, what could have been what might have been but not about regrets. I don't believe in regrets. Life has purpose and meaning in the fact that we must learn lessons. So learn the lesson and move on or else one keeps learning the same thing over and over and so I move on. Just a case of wondering what if is all..............

So my garden has been replanned over and over and replanted and redesigned. Nothing much comes of it but sometimes I do hit on an idea that I do follow through.......same with the house, sometimes I get a good idea, then of course I can't sleep because I want to get it done.
Tonight Bodi is panting, she's hot, needs a hair cut. The window is wide open but its not cold out there. Gerry is under a pile of blankets and would not agree but I am with Bodi. It's getting warm. I dread the hot nights. Then a good reason not to sleep. So I come down to drink some warm milk and break the cycle. What was I thinking about, ah yes, what to do tomorrow. I finished the front porch and deck for now. Both will stay unfinished until probably May when I can get flowers. It is only March after all. Still I will get as much done as I can while the weather is mild. A head start on Spring clean up. Saw Dan today with the same idea. He was cutting dead stuff down and trimming back and thats what I will do tomorrow. I get upset because it's hard to motivate Gerry to help me and when he does he usually wrecks stuff and cuts stuff down when it should not be.
Tristen cleaned the van today, I will finish that and get it organized. Swap blankets for beach towels etc. It kept him busy and off the electronics for most of the afternoon. We have him for Spring break after this week, school is out Thursday afternoon so come Friday through the following week we must think up things to entertain and keep him busy. Hiking and drives to the beach etc.
I need to sort closets and cupboards to have a sale this year. Cut back again and again as much as I can. Make a bit of money too that will pay for my garden goods.

This year the powers that be decided to put in a side walk. That means we have to take down our fences and they will cut down a perfectly good tree. Gerry is happy. He likes cutting stuff down. One good thing though it means a new and better fence and he can cut down old straggly lilacs and honeysuckle. Needs doing and now he can be the wrecker, he will enjoy that. I wanted that garden redone anyway. One little poodle is always looking for a way out so we will have to be extra careful during all that process. Maybe if Gerry has all that to do he will forget about cutting down pine trees and other things I don't want to happen.`

So has Bodi stopped snoring? Can I get back to bed and actually sleep this time? I will give it a try or will be too tired to get anything done tomorrow............night night. I hear the mouse in the kitchen, I put some dog food out there haha, little sod, how did it know)

Saturday, March 20, 2021
Northport and around..............
Today is Saturday, it is sunny and sort of warm. A good day to go out. We try to get out to get Tristen away from electronics or he would be content to spend the day in his room talking to his friends on line. So for a change of scene and hope of some exercize we headed out. We went the usual way heading towards Lake Leelanau and then north from there.
The cows were probably the only animal life we saw. Ah well, it's nice to see a few buds on the trees. You really have to look hard to see them but they are there. We stopped by the water in Northport and Tristen wanted to walk to the docks so that's what we did.
From there heading North to the point where the lighthouse is. There were a few people around so we went down to the beach and had a good walk along the shore. Its very stony there. I have trouble these days walking on loose stones and rough ground. The cold makes my eyes run and as I don't see well to begin with its difficult to negotiate. I used to be as sure footed as a goat, now I am just an old Nanny haha............If only I could see. Ah well, I can't so it is what it is. I try to be careful but I sure am not going to be limited in what I do until I have to be. So I got a few pictures along the water
I love this picture. Tristen and Gerry with their walking sticks and Tristen holding his back like it hurts, just like "dad"
By the time we had walked through the campground (what a great place to camp come summer) Gerry had enough so we didn't get back to the Lighthouse
Driving makes his back hurt so I am not sure how we would do as far as travel goes, not any distance anyway. On the way back we stopped by Peterson Park but I didn't get pictures my camera died. I do need a new camera...........when I pay off my pay pal account maybe.
This is Woolsey Airport just outside the park.
I love this farm. It has the old buildings that used to house migrant workers when they worked on the Cherry farm.
We went through the little tiny town of Omena to get to Northport
It was a nice day out if uneventful. We stopped at Joe's Friendly Tavern on the way home for Reuben's That way we didn't have to rush home but in any case we didn't see anything. Ah well at least I didn't have to cook.
Tomorrow is supposed to be even warmer. I hope we can do some clean up outside and get the van cleaned out. Sure needs it. Nigel and Nelly came today again and she took a dip in the pond. Nigel is so handsome
So all for today........Roll on SPring
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