Come visit my blog it's about the things I love. Family, friends,and things I love to talk about, especially history and maybe fantasy just come and see.My garden blog has pictures I have taken of flowers and fun things I find and recycle as well as places I go and things our family does together. In My Pretty things there are crafts, art,things I collect and beautiful things to share.
Sunday, May 16, 2021
A couple of trips out in the county..............
We took a drive out on Tuesday and it turned out quite nice. Nothing special but as always it's nice to get in some exercize. We drove up around one of the old farmhouses in the SBNS, there are many. This on had to be a beauty in it's day.
I do hope they will always manage to keep the old places up. We stopped at the usual places along the way, it never gets old.
We had stopped at the Samarians Closet on our way through Lake Leelanau and I usually find a few things, I love looking in there. We love Narada Lake with its Turtles and if we are lucky we see the Muskrat. I found his house. He is always busy. There are a variety of wild fowl living there and if we are lucky we see the Eagles.
On Saturday we took Tristen out with us and visited some friends. What a lovely couple Donna and Kim, and they had made scones and blueberry muffins and coffee to die for. Kim is an expert wood worker and gifted me with an adorable box in the form of an acorn and Donna gave ne a hand woven rug. Such generosity. I adore them. Tristen was not in a socialble mood so we went on to wards home in a backwards direction from normal. We went and checked out a beach we found last year. Sunset Beach. More beach now than when we first saw it, it was very alive with bugs so we didn;t linger.
We stopped again at Narada Lake but even though I saw the Muskrat I couldn't get a picture he was too busy. On the way home we saw Turkeys displaying and chasing after the Ladies, after that we went to Port Oneida where we saw baby Canada Geese. The Sandhills were not around
I guess it was nothing special but everything is interesting and so I enjoy our rides in the country. The deer are staying in the woods apparently because its been awhile since we saw any. Maybe next time
Monday, May 10, 2021
Sunny Sunday.........................
We stayed home on Saturday because we had a lot of work to do in the garden. Tristen had a new game so I figured we would give him the day to play with that stuff. However, Sunday came sunny and still cold so we decided to take off. Besides I was still sore from all the work I did on Saturday.
There was a place I wanted to check out, Boekeloo Cabin out in Benzie co. It used to be a Cranberry bog. The cabin is still there.
What I didn't know was that the surrounding forest ended up in the Dunes and the shoreline. I am not sure how far back we walked but it seemed quite a way for me. I am glad it wasn't a warm day. Tristen had fun running up the dunes. We didn't quite make it to the beach, simply because it was windy out on the Dunes and the beginning of bugs. They said that the beaches were abuzz with them and anyway walking in sand is really hard for me.
As always just like a puppy Tristen covered twice the ground.
That was a longer than usual hike for us so from there we didn't do a lot more. We did get out later while Gerry stayed in the car. We headed to Frankfort to see if we could see any birds or waterfowl..........Going past Crystal Lake. I notice the garden place is open.
Some Blossoms are popping but it's been so cold. We had that warm spell but since then it got cold and freeze warnings every night.
It was also windy so with the promice of stopping at Culvers for supper we headed home.
Waiting for out Fish and chips and Tristen's Butterburgher we admired the flowers.
Sunday, May 2, 2021
Great Grandsons trip with nanny and granddad.......................
We had Tristen this weekend as usual but he asked if Cooper could come for the day on Saturday. We had Gabby bring him Friday night and pick up Saturday night. They did great. A bit exuberant to begin with but settled down. I hate to think all that went on Friday night, I don't think much sleeping was happening but I believe in building memories and so.............what happened happened and I hope they will remember as they grow up, the fun times that had together at "nannies house"
So Saturday we set of on our adventure. Tristen wanted to show Cooper "his" beach.
It was good to see blossoms starting to pop
We showed him our favourite cow
We went straight to the beach instead of our usual routine. With two of them in the van and a box of markers we dare not linger long.........so with Tristens instructions to go further down the road and find our spot we did just that. The forest sheltered the beach from the wind and so it was nice and sunny and warm.
coats off......
having shown Cooper around they did whatever they did in the woods and the fort on the beach. I collected rocks and walked to see what was around the bend. Still didn't get that far but it's beautiful
After they had enough of the beach they wanted to go to the pond and look for frogs. Cooper was very enthusiastic.

Cooper came up with the brilliant idea of getting nets. I will get them some for next time. I am just afraid they will fall in otherwise. Cooper didn't have much luck and I thought he would go headfirst in. He said thats OK and yes I guess what happens at Nannie's stays at Nannies. I asked if he enjoys his time at our house. "Heck yes" he says. Well that was probably because we stop for snacks before we set out and they got candy and a donut and soda.
We had to stop at the park and throw them out to get out their yaya's they were way too wound up in the car and only half way home. That did the trick.
I was loving the trees budding against the blue sky
Today Tristen wanted to stay home and has been quiet all day haha.............I love walking on the beach. I go off on my own and I talk to God, yes I do. I thank him for the beauty, even the beauty in the stones that I love, all that he made. I also thank him for being able to be at my age, able to walk on the beach with my Great grandsons. That in it'self is a miracle and I am so thankful to be that blessed. (although the previouse night at 3am not so much LOL)
May we be blessed with more active years to enjoy before they get so old they won't want to be with Nanny and Granddad
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