While not an American this is one holiday I truly love. There is just so much to be thankful for. This is the first year without Alexandra, but we have made it thus far. What I am so very grateful for is the faith I have that we will see her again some day. I thank God for our salvation. I thank Christ for His courage and endurance in sticking it out down here, submitting to the humiliation and shame of the things he was put through, the pain and ultimate sacrifice. He made this world and everything in it and yet He left His home in heaven and came here to make that sacrifice for me, and for you and for Alexandra. Because of that I know without a doubt that we will meet again.
I also thank God for my family. This year Dan and Debbie came for dinner. The fact that Alex's mother and father can sit together with their new spouses and share a day together with Alex's son Tristen. To help make the day special for him. Jason came home and is now Tristens new best buddy as he brought with him Tristens birthday gift from September. Tristen sat at the top of the stairs when Jason went for a shower. Gabby is living with us and so she too was here and Bill came over to visit. Dan took Tristen in the afternoon to go visit Debbies folks and have lunch with them so he had an amazing day and was very happy to see Reina and Evie.
We cooked a big meal as always. Turkey, ham, Brussel sprouts, baby carrots, green beans. Roast potatoes and mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes. Stuffing and gravy. Quite the feast. I have not yet recovered enough to even think about dessert. We have cherry pie and pumpkin pie but it can wait.
This is a picture of a traditional Thanksgiving feast.

The year has turned its circle,
The seasons come and go.
The harvest all is gathered in
And chilly north winds blow.
Orchards have shared their treasures,
The fields, their yellow grain,
So open wide the doorway~
Thanksgiving comes again!
~Old Rhyme

(John Charles McNeill, 1874-1907)
Cows in the stall and sheep in the fold;
Clouds in the west, deep crimson and gold;
A heron's far flight to a roost somewhere;
The twitter of killdees keen in the air;
The noise of a wagon that jolts through the gloam
On the last load home.
There are lights in the windows; a blue spire of smoke
Climbs from the grange grove of elm and oak.
The smell of the Earth, where the night pours to her
Its dewy libation, is sweeter than myrrh,
And an incense to Toil is the smell of the loam
On the last load home.