I was thinking about my house this morning. It is New Years Day and this morning I snuck into Alex's room (as we still call it) where baby Cooper was sleeping. I could hear him sucking his fingers but he was not yet awake. So I went and got dressed before going back in to get him. I pulled the curtains back and heard him natter to himself, his eyes were open so I picked him up and got a big grin,we went downstairs.

My house has seen a lot of activity over the years. This New Year Gabby and Tony (Coopers mum and dad) came back to my house after their celebrations to spend the night. Gabby's Dad lives with us and was in the next room, but he came in later. My husband and I were sleeping and heard not a thing. Tristen (Alex son) woke up from a bad dream sometime in the night and Gerry went in and slept with him. He slept till 8.30 this morning. A very rare thing.
(one Christmas season)
When we first moved in here in approx 1983(can't remember) it was the first house that we had not built ourselves.My husband is a carpenter, he builds houses. We had intended to move back to England but that had not worked out. So when our house sold unexpectedly we sought out and found this one. Over the years we have added to it and remodeled it. We had our own 3 kids with us when we moved in. Over the years it has seen many people come and go. When my boys left home to go into the USMC for 6 years each, they would come home on leave. When done with that and at the local college they moved home for the year before going to college up north.
My daughter Laura married and moved away. She would come home for 6 months at a time when Dan (first husband) went overseas on deployment. So I would have her and her girls with us during that time.She felt better being home rather than in North Carolina alone.

After the boys had gone, one of their friends, Jason moved in for 6 months while he got settled and found himself a place closer to town. Now, if I were a gun toting type of person I could have been in trouble quite a few times. Jason would have a friend stay now and then when someone he knew came to town. Quite often I was unaware of this. I do recall one day standing at the stove cooking when an unknown (to me) young man came upstairs, said good morning and went upstairs to take a shower.............hmmmm who the heck is that I wonder????? I just said "good morning" ......was not till later I found out who he was.

One day when Mum and Dad were over visiting us from England, just after we first moved in here......Gerry and I were sleeping on the living room floor having given up our room to them. Well according the the next door neighbour, Bud...a lady from across the street who we did not know, walked right in (we never locked our doors).She must have had a good look around and then left.They made sure she came out again before calling to make sure we were OK. We never saw or heard a thing. At that time they had closed the state hospital and some of the inmates rented over the road from us. On another occasion prior to that visit, the same lady according to my dad...........was standing out in our garden stark naked. My Dad said " Hey there's a naked lady outside" my husband "yeah right" goes to look "Bloody hell there really is" he says .....my mum "well Harry you don't have to stand there and gawp at her" "why not" says Dad. I called the police and said " Um can you send a car around please we have a naked person in our driveway". Poor cop......he arrives and I gave him a coat for her to wear as he had her in the front seat next to him..............Well she moved out after a bit because she didn't seem capable of staying on her meds. I could tell a few tales of some of the other folks who stayed there on and off too. Recent years have seen different, more permanent renters.

Well next came some friends of ours who got divorced, our friend Pat moved in with us. Twice.

After that my daughter and son in law were divorced and She came home to live for a time and again when she divorced for the 2nd time.
Laura and her family

Eventually Dan (husband number one)retired from the Marine corps and he and the 3 girls came back to Michigan. They moved in until Dan married again.
Next was Danielle, the eldest granddaughter, she came to stay when she began college. It was her safety net. She was away from home but still under our care and learning how to be independent, working and going to school etc. She was still with us when Dan asked if I would take Alexandra, she was not getting along at home. So she came here next. It was rough going in some ways as the two girls would find it difficult to get along sometimes. Danielle being oldest was the little mother type and Alex was having none of that. Danielle eventually went away to college and has recently become a nurse and married. Alexandra went home for a short time but was soon back again and she remained with us until she died.
Alexandra was difficult. She was a free spirit. She had many problems, some from the divorce but also her personality type. The last year of high school her friend Fallon moved in with us for her last year of school. Fallon's folks had moved away and she was not doing well with her guardian so, yup, she moved in with us. I think those girls had some good times during that year. Some not so good too. (smile)......Alex eventually became serious with a boy who was just not good for her. They had some emotional breakups and always got back together. Eventually she got pregnant and had Tristen. She died in a car accident during a winter storm and I am raising Tristen.
Alexandra and Tristen on his first birthday, how could we know time was so short

Gabrielle the youngest of the 3 had gone downstate to college. When Alex died she came home. With that shock, she just could not handle being away from family and rather than go home, she came here. She only left last year when Cooper was born, she moved in with her boyfriend. So..............I was thinking of all of this as I was pulling back the curtains to let the light in and see to Cooper. Dan, my daughters ex first husband is living here as he is in the process of a divorce from his 2nd wife. Not sure how long he will be here.

I guess its a friendly old house. It has seen so much and no one wants us to move as its been the "home base" for so long now. I would love a smaller place but it does not seem likely at this point. Over the years of remodeling we now have 5 bedrooms. Only 2 baths though. Still its all we really need most of the time. Tristen tells his Grandpa Dan that he can use HIS bathroom. He knows Alex's room was his Mothers room and he does like to go in there, even though I make him stay out. Lots of breakables in there. Not that it matters but if I didn't he would play in there and well..........I have to have SOME rooms that stay clean and tidy. Down in the basement are two rooms, one a library with a double bed, the other room is now Dans and he cleared all my stuff out. Boo hoo. I don't go in there and we put a lock on so Tristen doesn't either. Upstairs are 3 bedrooms. Alex room, Tristen's room and our room. There are usually two rooms free for overnight guests. I always have the beds made up. They come home for Christmas or Thanksgiving or a summer trip or just a visit. In winter they stay if the roads are bad or just because..........

The house was originally very small, part was brought in from the country in the 1800s and added on to what was already here. We added first a bigger kitchen and laundry and a 1/2 bath.Later a dining room was added. So downstairs (ground floor) has a family/tv room, a sitting room, dining, kitchen and laundry a 1/2 bath and the old dining room. I suppose that could be a breakfast room, but it is soon to be altered again when we change the back entrance. The house is a living thing, it evolves. When we change it, the room will be Tristen's play room with access to the deck via the new back door. I have always been attached to houses in my life. My grandparents homes, my mums home but I have never set my heart to one of my own. I am still not really in love with this one but..........well its as close as I will come because my heart will always be in England, but this is close enough.