So off we went and they called to line up. The organizer got the kids in order so they could tell everyone a bit about each child as they walked the runway.
I have to say it was like herding cats.

Reina chose her dress. She loves the attention and puts her all into it.

Auntie Laura is the blond with the camera.

The clown lady kept them in line and focused, sort of.

Next it was Tristen's turn..........his favourite thing in school he says is math, he wants to be a cop when he grows up and the thing he enjoys the most is chasing girls at school. Yes......well.......
He is 5 OK.

A proud auntie Laura takes pictures

After the show, all the models went back out and paraded again. There were some cute outfits on some of the kids. Only two boys in the show and one was older. So I am sure Tristen will be back next year.
After they were officially done he escaped to get his face painted. He wanted to be an army guy

Younkers had some rabbits brought in to pet and some ducklings. Some one set up a table for balloons that they made into animals and things. The clown lady had Tattoos and candy for them. So the kids had a good time. After that Auntie Laura took Reina to the theater to see Shrek on stage, and after the show they got to get pictures taken with the cast. Reina had a lot of fun. Auntie Laura loves kids and takes them lots of fun places. Tristen didn't get to go on that trip. Instead we went to get him some new shoes. I can not believe he is a size up from the last time. Size one. Then after that we went to lunch.

Tristen ordered chicken tenders and fry's but didn't eat them, he did manage to eat his desert though while Laura and I finished our coffee
We stopped by to see how Alex was doing, her place is a mess. So we have to go back and sort her out. I want to take some daffodils to put on the grave but its way too cold at the moment, they would freeze. So I think we will go back and take some mulch, tidy up and take a new wreath to make it Spring like. A lot of stuff broke over the winter so she needs a complete overhaul. Tristen was freezing he said so we didn't stay. There are plants beginning to pop through, so Spring wont be too long.