I went out to take a picture. Gerry said Tristen has taken the axe and didn't know where it was. He needed it to chop the ice off the roof.

Gerry was not at all happy. Tristen could not remember where it was and so tomorrow I guess I will be digging in the snow to try to find it. We have to clear the roof in any case. The weight of the snow can damage the roof and destroy things when it comes off. Last year the ice came down in chunks and I thought the porch would cave in. Next year when the weather is good and he redoes the porch and the roof I want an electric barrier thing put up so it keeps it from freezing. Icicles can inpale a person when they come down.

I took a few pictures this morning. The snow was deep heavy and wet. No school today. Roads too bad.

Look at my bird feeders

Tristen was determined to have fun. He was yapping to the man over the road who was shoveling his drive. Poor guy.

The fence all but disappeared. This is looking up 9th st from my front path.

The front of the house

The branches are weighted down

Looking up Oak street.

The poor Apple tree will get it's branches broken pretty soon. Every winter it holds heavy snow and some of the branches are dying, so at some point I will need a new tree.

I will have to trim it heavy this Spring.
Can you see the wheel Barrow under all that snow? Looking towards Bud's house, the blue one. I( can barely make it out, the postman must be careful not to fall over it if he cuts across.

Well, the birds are fed. I put out food, bread for those who need it. The squirrels eat a lot of it but I am trying to feed the Crows. Any scraps go out for those who want it. This weather keeps most in hiding. Can't say as I care to be out myself when its so wet. Certainly not fit for driving. Winter has been short this year but when it comes, it comes.