Yesterday he tried to put up his pool but it was no good so one thing I got was a sprinkler toy.

He was rather excited upon getting home and didnt know what to do first. After hooking up the sprinkler he decided against it. Grrrrrr.
Well the second thing, we had told him we were taking him to the park to ride his bike. He has been inside for two days because of the heat and humidity. So it was time to stretch those legs. Off we went with Tristen telling us Toys R Us is his most favourite store.

Well, first thing he noticed was that the fire engine was outside and so it was "Daaaadddd can we go see the fire engines"
A very nice young man showed him around and told him how he became a fire fighter and that his goals were to be a police man. Tristen was quiet, in awe, but shy. He is not usually shy but is usually around people he admires like that.

He put on the whole gear. He learned how heavy the oxygen tanks are

Checking things out

We agreed he better start eating his meals so he is strong enough to weild the axe and the heavy stuff. Its very heavy said Tristen.

We said goodbye after they had tested out the horns and lights and explained how texting and loud music in the car makes it difficult to see the fire engine coming and that may hinder them getting to their accident or fire.

We continued to the play ground.

It was too hot really and Tristen wanted to go in the woods. So Gerry went to bring the van over close to where we were from where we parked it on the trail. We went to the shade of the woods.

I dare not let him go to far on the trail as it was quite hilly and he unused to that sort of trail. Come on Nanny come and look.

Lots of pretties

I will post about the pretties in another blog.
Tristen enjoyed the whole afternoon, the lecture on eating his food apparently fell on deaf ears. It's hard to get him to eat much of anything. Still as long as I get a variety of foods in him I feel it was a success. Sigh.
Hoping now he is tired enough to get to sleep early. he was still awake when I went to bed early for me, at 10pm last night.So he should sleep well tonight.