So off we headed for the Platte plains, River Dunes and Beaches. Found that very easy first turn before the bridge over the river. No problem.

The first thing we saw was a whole bunch of cars along the road and about everyone and his brother with inner tubes and canoes and kayaks.

Naturally they had to get wet. We didn't stay because that was where everyone was getting out of the river. We could not park down by the beach, too many people. We decided it would be a great place to go during the week or off season, even better.

We continued on and checked out Loon Lake. That was incredible. Where the river runs into it, apparently its a real big sandbar. People were out in the middle of the lake playing with frisbies and stuff. I mean lots of people, inner tubes and stuff. Plenty just getting in too.

Look close, you will see them all out in the middle of the lake in the distance. Don't get wet I said. Right said Tristen (I had his suit on) as he walked down the ramp and slipped on his back.Yes, he's wet.

They would have loved to get in there but alas it was not a day for swimming, we were just scoping out a few new places to go play in. Look at that sky

We headed for Frankfort next, again we were going to check the beach and park, but there was some kind of festival going on. So no luck there. This is why we don't go out on the weekends haha. We did go down to the beach and found a place to park. Gerry stayed in the car as it was not really legal hehe............I just wanted to get some pictures. I have never seen the water so calm there. I found out its shallow, what do you know. A great place for the kids to play. We normally avoid the popular beaches. This is what its like on a Saturday in July.

As usual everyone was crowded right at the first part of the beach. What? No one like to walk? I got my pictures and then we left.

Not my sort of beach, we like our beaches empty of people. I suppose if you are just sunbathing then thats the place to be. Had a nice chat with a guy in his boat parked way at the other end, all on his own reading a book. Then went back to the car.
We left Frankfort and headed for River Road. I have always wanted to check out the path that leads to the river that has some seats, so we did that.

The bike trail goes right through there, I guess Dan had taken Tristen there once because he remembered. I couldn't get if he was on a bike or boat.

I saw some beautiful Dragon fly but could not get a picture. Lots of lovely berries for the winter birds. I was surprised at no water birds but the river was very busy.

It is a lovely vacation river for sure and very active. So crowded though. Off season would be good.

Lots if wildflowers

Signs in the grasses and fields that Fall is on the way

Nice that there was a good path to walk there on.

So reluctantly leaving there we headed for the Alpaca's
We wanted to see if the babies were growing and they had what looked like a new one. Kids loved that. The owners had a huge fan outside the barn doors. They were congregated there with a little wagon of hay.

They are so dang cute

One was rolling in the dirt and these two had to go check her out, the white one is like "what the hell are you doing woman"

The kids just had to feed them grass and clover. They did not mind that one bit.

Then there was this cutie, quite small yet. No idea how old.

One more thing, I never noticed their feet before. I knew they were unique but I never looked close.

I did not risk going in the shop. The wool is just sooooo soft. So many pretty things to buy but alas, no money.
We did have enough for ice cream though and I knew just the place. In Benzonia is a place that make their own ice cream and it is yummy. It must be doing well because they have made the ice cream section bigger. So we headed home and ordered Pizza as we were all tired and I was not about to cook. The kids were happy they still had four hours to play before Laura was to pick up Reina. Seemed like ages to me I wanted a nap.