Greg, our instructor was very enthused and we got a shuttle to the trail head. That was probably the last rational thought that I had. Laura was with me and was up for the challenge if reluctantly. She is not a winter outdoor enthusiast to say the least. I on the other hand am sick of wasting valuable time waiting for Spring. So off we went. We already had on our boots and Greg set me upon my skis. I shuffled over to where we were to begin in an already made track. Yes and that was when I decided I did not like it. It was ice. Now I have fallen twice this Winter on the ice on our deck. It hurts. So when the skis moved without my permission I was not at all happy. I have bad knees already and was afraid of twisting them. I got going for a short distance and then they took off .........whoa Nelly!!!!!!! how do you stop. I do not like this one bit I am saying. You are fine say them all. No I am not OK. With that I flipped on my back/bum with a decided fwumpfff.

Action caught by Laura who was doing pretty well it seemed. At least she was still upright. Well I got up and carried on. Not for long though. I was hating it. Do I cry? Do I rebel? Do I just get on with it? Well, onwards we go on a flatter bit of the trail. He said we were on a slope before but truth be told I could not see a slope. The girl who came with us was trying to engage me in conversation to keep my mind off of it. Was NOT working, just annoying. Judy was behind me and was going to stick with me. That's loyalty for you. I would rather suffer alone. Well we didn't get too far before I hit another patch of ice and off we go............Nooooooooooo I do not like this out of control feeling. I suppose (my crazy mind was saying) this could be fun, but I could not balance. I was afraid of wrenching my back and knees and before you could sneeze I was on my back again.

Getting up is a challenge haha...........it was so funny really it was. So that was it. I was not chancing a 3rd fall. A body slam is not nice. Flat out on the back with all that goes along with that. So I made them go on without me. Let me have an enjoyable walk back please. So that's what I did. They went off without me

The day was foggy, misty and silent. It was beautiful

I was proud of Laura she did very well. I can only say that my vision, equilibrium, fear of falling, something just did not sit well with me. I hated it. I enjoyed the walk back but the snow was deep so it was hard going. I will try snow shoeing next. That should go better and we don't need trails to do that. Judy lives on a lake and she said about crossing the lake to the island and snow shoeing there. What? Cross the ice? I have irrational fears. Where does that come from I wonder? I don't like water and crossing ice, I don't care how deep is not something I fancy. I WILL do it though because that fear IS irrational and I can overcome that one.

The skiing on the other hand, that feeling of having no control. The skis just taking off and all you can do is try to balance, no, I do not like that. That fear is not irrational, I don't want broken bones. That I will not do again. Or.....maybe without so many people watching???? NO, it's not enjoyable and so many more things I can get up to. I wonder if sledding would be as bad?