So when Tristen does come over we try to do what he would like to do. First off he always takes a bath, he only gets showers over there (so he says) and he likes to play. He asked if we could go for a walk and we set that up for Sunday morning early because it was way too hot by then. His birthday is coming up on the 23rd next Saturday so we knew we would not see him and so we did his birthday this weekend just the 3 of us.He and "daddy" Gerry went shopping to Meijers to get what he wanted for supper and cake and ice cream'

Saturday was a nice day and when they came back they sat out in the garden so that Tristen could play with his new nerf gun.

He enjoyed feeding the fish

Isn't he cute?

So bright and early Sunday morning he was ready to go for his walk. He wanted to explore the trails over by Twin lakes. He didn't even bother with the park itself.
We walked along the trail I took the kids the other week and then walked back on the rest of that trail. It's short and really a lovely walk in the woods. Maybe next time we will climb the hill up to the fields and see whats up there.

He took is Kindle with him, we now have to figure out how to get the photos off that device.

We have so many pictures of us all in the woods over the years from the time he was a tiny tot. It's hard to believe he is 8 now.

He is growing so fast. I try hard not to say anything negative about his situation. After all they do what they think is best. We miss him so much but know he has more than we can give him living with them.

We will always be a lovely memory for him when he gets bigger. I don't want to say or do anything to change that.

When we had done with our walk, the next stop was Books A Million where he was able to choose a book and a lego to go with his birthday gift.

Right next door to Toys R Us and yet he could not find anything he wanted haha.......had already been there once the day before. That's where he got his smurf gun. It was nice to see that he is not greedy or takes advantage. I thought that was great and told him so. I was proud of him. So we went home so that we could spend the rest of the day playing with his stuff. He wanted another bath when he got in. Funny thing was on the way home, we had been in the car 5 mins and he nodded off.

Look at those eyelashes.

We got home and had to let him sleep for a bit but after awhile I sent Gerry to get him and he came and snuggled up on the couch with me and slept for another hour.

I really loved our snuggle, reminded of me of my days of snuggling with Baby Tristen. This wont happen very often now he is getting so big. It was great for me, even though my legs went to sleep haha. I miss baby Tristen but love the little person he is becoming.