Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Special dreams............

Dreams are so strange. So special sometimes. The night before last I dreamed of Alex.
it was so typical Alex. Alex had been living with me and in my dream she had been away. She came home unexpectedly after some time away. Just showed up bustling through the house like nothing had changed. Then just as unexpectedly she announced she was going down state to share an apartment with a friend. So could I please help her to get some things together that she would need in a new apartment life. So in my dream I am sorting through and finding things I could live without, not that I didn't want but that I could part with. She was excited and chose things for herself and I gave cutlery and glasses,dishes and the things she chose herself. She was so happy and said she would surprise Granddad and cut the grass (as if that would ever have happened) well she was cutting the grass and got distracted, she left it half done and the lawn mower in the middle of the lawn. Off she went............that was the first dream. Typical Alex and I enjoyed seeing her..........well last night I again dreamed of Alex. She came back. My dream continued from the night before. She came in plopped down in the chair and sat in gloomy silence. "What happened" I said...she said it didn't work out. I asked if she brought my stuff back. "heck no" she said "I was out of there and I didn't have time" .......I was miffed but kept it to myself but said "Well I bet you brought your tv back" .....big smile and then sheepish grin "yeh" she said. She bounced up and declared she was off to school................
So what does all that mean? That's new to me to continue a dream the next night. I mean I have awoken from a dream and gone back to sleep seemingly to continue it on. Never like that though. I also have these houses in my dreams that I go back to, places I know in dreams but not in real life. People in my dreams who visit but that in reality I don't know. Long ago I would often dream of my Nan, she would always be a place of refuge for me, her home was a bright light shining over the hill in the gloom. That I understand. I now often dream of my parents and my old homes but most often my dream homes. One in particular was a place we were buying that was full of antiques. It was an amazing gift to be able to buy it. The person had died and left everything in the house, all the personal possessions. Well I can work that one out but why does it continue? In one dream I had got a new house and I went to that one and brought some of the furnishings and art work back to the new house. Anyway, I have these places I know only in dreams. I also dream of my kids these days when they were kids. I must say I do enjoy visiting with people that I used to know friends and family who have gone. I have always dreamed like its a movie with me in it and it's a wonderful thing when it's a good dream. Not so wonderful when it's not though, and that does happen now and then and it stays with me for days.............I know the Bible has a lot to say about dreams and I wish I knew more. Meanwhile it was great to visit with Alex again. Love you Alex


Anonymous said...

Lovely Janice. Dreams are a sign they are visiting us

A Brit in Tennessee said...

I have recurring dreams of people and places, especially my nan and dad. My thoughts on this is that they are messages from our loved ones, people who we miss and think of most days of our lives.
Your granddaughter was a beautiful young lady, I can see why there is a special place in your heart for her, I'm happy she came and visited you.
Stay safe dear friend,

laurajane said...

I love dreaming. How lucky for you to dream of Alex.

The Happy Whisk said...

I'm sorry that your granddaughter is no longer with you but I love that you dream about her and that the dream continues from the night before.

Often my passed grandma will be in my dream and same with the house that I lived in before. It's almost so real sometimes. But what I also really love is that in real life, when I cook and bake. I leave my kitchen, come back and smell Mamam's (grandma), food in real life, even though it's my food.

I just love that.

Stay well and have fun. Cheers, Ivy.