Interesting things along the way, and loads of blossoms in the orchards.

We were looking for Cathead Bay and Christmas Cove via Gills Pier, we know the area well having spent a lot of time looking for the Indian cemetery. We didn't go there because of the heat and left that for another time. The water was sooooo calm and misty, Gills Pier has a history and I love finding these places. In the first picture you can barely see the water above the trees, it all blended with the sky, just a faint lines separates the two

Next stop Christmas Cove, we could hear the Fog Horns either from the Lighthouse or passing ships.

Peterson Park

Woods full of Trillium and Thunder heads going home

We could see the rain coming across the Bay, and we stopped at the Bears Den so I could see if they had another "Bird" like the one I got for my garden last year. Woo hoo she had it. She also showed me a Robins nest in the barn outside. I must take pictures inside next time, she has great stuff.

We got home just in time, the rain and thunder started as I came out of the Bears Den but we drove out of it to find it hadn't rained at home...........more adventures tomorrow maybe