So today I surprised Tristen and took him to the school playgrounds. We have 3 close by but this one is big and he loves going there.

We had got to the playground and he was off at a run. A little girl was on one of the riding thingies and he and Reina had enjoyed a rolling good time on that. SO he hopped on behind her no by your leave. I had to remind him to calm down. She decided retreat was the better part of valour and went off with him hot on her heels to the play house.

There were two girls, one Tristens age and one a little older. Tristen got their grandmother who was babysitting to join in their game and got her in the play house with them. A very nice lady.

Well apparently he was paying attention to the Mr Rogers program today because he decided he was a doctor and was going to give everyone a shot. He had the lady sit down and he told her to think happy thoughts and he pretended to give her a shot....he really got into that game giving everyone a shot until I distracted him. This is his office

After that they rode the school bus

They all ran over to the big kids playground and whooped it up over there. They girls were comfortable with him by now, he does have to be reminded to be gentle with them. So I made him go up first rather than shove them down hehe.

Then his favourite ride

Now the dilemma do I get him to leave without a fuss. I told him it was time to go. "I don't want to".....natural response, so I said "I know you dont but we have to and if we go now with no fuss we can come back" .....and then the bribe....a nice drink and he said he was off we went. Woo hoo and we got home in one piece with no tantrums. So he got a nice big sucker.