Time sure flys, Tristen just had his 6th birthday. I still have to wonder sometimes if it really happened. It still seems like she is just away somewhere having fun. Well maybe she is.

What is death anyway? What do we believe? What really happens when we die? Everyone has an opinion. A lot of people think its the end of things for us. That we are buried or otherwise disposed of and thats it.
Some of us have Faith. We believe that Christ came to save us from that.
So what are we? What are we as animals, we are mammals after all. Are we just flesh and blood or is there more to us than that. I suppose that is the place to begin. As a believer I subscribe to the theory (theory simply because I cant prove it) that we are made up of a soul as well as a body. Our life is in our blood, that's what the bible says and the spirit/soul is eternal. So then what does that mean? It means that when we die something must happen to seperate us from the shell we called a body that our soul was driving. The body alone would not work it needs a driver, a person to control it.
Well Jesus said that anyone who comes to Him, who believes in Him and follows Him will have everlasting life. Those who reject Him with be shown the error of their ways and then destroyed forever. I am over simplifying this of course.

So to me, and to those who love Alex we believe she is awaiting that day when the dead in Christ will arise. For her she is already with her Lord because when we are changed it may have been a thousand years but to the person it is in an instant. In the twinkling of the eye.
I believe this with my whole heart I may or may not be wrong on a few details but basically I know she is with God and I will see her again soon. So death has no sting, We all miss her that is only natural. As we miss our parents and other lost loved ones. We wont see all of them, there is no doubt about that either but we know that God is fair, just and loving and so they would have had every opportunity to come to Him for salvation. If they willingly chose not to then God will judge them. If we are covered by Christs sacrifice then God will not see our sin. It is forgiven. I wont get into all of that we all must find our way. I trust God and I am open to His guidence.

I believe some day there will be a new Heaven and a new earth, the former will pass away. Not a catastrophic explosion but a cleansing and renewing of the world where animals and people again live in peace. No more death, sin, saddness. Peace forever, good health and good lives. Who knows what else, maybe lots of exploration of the universe?. I know I want to live on earth with the animals. Many aspire to Heaven. I don't know about that part.
I believe that when that time comes and the dead in Christ have risen and the apocalypse is over and done then we will be reunited again. So I do not feel sadness most of the time when I think of Alex, I look forewards to the day we meet again.

Some day Tristen will meet his mother and get to know her and will have many stories to tell her. No I don't believe she is watching over us or that she can see us. Nothing that I have read can justify that belief but I know that it comforts people to think that. I suppose it does no harm but they really should read for themselves and maybe that would give even greater comfort?
So very sorry for your loss of this beautiful granddaughter.
Beautiful post dedicated to a stunning girl.xx
What a beautiful post about such a beautiful young woman. So lovely that you just know that she was just as beautiful inside as she was outside. And for those who think we are only flesh and bones and that when we die, that is IT. Well, what happens to that part of us that makes us US? We see everything through a glass darkly but one day, we will see clearly. I have faith in those words.
Oh dear, I am putting this in a strange way, but I just wanted to say how moved I was by your post. xx
Sending hugs to you. I believe your beautiful girl is with our Lord and you will see her again, so will the sweet baby. Bless you, xoxo,Susie
Awww, Janice. Once again, my heart breaks for you---and for Tristen--and for the whole family. I, too, believe that we will meet our loved ones again someday. She is at peace now and has no more worries or pain..but that doesn't negate the pain YOU feel over her loss. Saying a prayer for you this morning. Blessings- xo Diana
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