Sunday was a beautiful day. Sunny and cold, but the sun still has some heat in it. I called Laura to see if she wanted to go for a ride. Tristen was at his Aunt Laura's and I knew Robert was away so..........she said OK and we took off around noonish. No plans really except to get out of town and see what we could see. We decided upon driving towards Empire and go from there. Maybe the drive up dunes. We stopped at Gallaghers Farm Market to get donuts and coffee. Then off we went.

The colours have nowhere near peaked. Maybe another week may show us a bit more. If its nice next week maybe we will check it out again.

We did go up the Drive up Dunes (Pierce Stocking Drive) but no chance of seeing wildlife it was very busy. Lots of tourists. It is colour season after all. I will like it when we will get our place back to ourselves again. Selfish me. We like the quiet. It was cold so didn't expect so many people out, but the sun made it pretty and thats what drew them out.

We didn't stay but went on to Port Oneida. There we went down to the beach. Behind this pretty farm are steps to the beach, we go that way because not too many know about it yet. We did have that to ourselves and Laura froze until the sun warmed us up. It was nice then when the sun was out.

We love to find pretty stones. We collect certain ones. Here are a few we left behind

We can't drag them all home.It reminds me of my Dad and him filling his pockets, Mum nagging him "Harry you are not taking those back with us on the plane" I hear her voice echo on the breeze.

Some water fowl sped on by, getting into formation, going south? Maybe. I think they were a type of Merganser but not sure of that. Hard to tell with the light as it was.

After we left this beach we headed for Leland and went to Vans Beach again to look for Leland Blue's

The water was cold now and it was windy but we faced it and got our feet wet. Ice water, red toes but a good foot bath, nice smooth skin today. Was not all bad. We did find some nice stones to take home. One lady seemed to have it right. She was wearing wellingtons while we were bare foot. She stopped as she passed us one time and said her boots were full to the top with water so I guess we did OK.

Saw these Ladybugs looking for a warm place.

We finally left and went towards Northport. We were looking for food and I planned on stopping at Fischer's Happy Hour. They have the best Reubens. On the way we saw this Yak farm. An English lady had told me about it so next time maybe we will stop in and hope they are more friendly than the last one. The babies are soooooo cute and feisty. This little guy has attitude

We moved on tummies grumbling, Reina conked out but woke to see the Yaks.

After we ate we went on to Northport. We stopped to harrass these guys. They we unphased at our muffler (needs fixing) and our camera's We sat awhile and enjoyed watching them browse.

They looked really worried, not......they should, it's bow hunting season.

We had been complaining of not seeing any wildlife all day when we saw those guys. There were four of them. The best treat was yet to come. I was saying to Laura how if we were rich maybe we would not get so much pleasure from the simple things like rocks on a beach or seeing a deer in the wild. Then something ran in front of the car. Looked like a cat but..........I said to Laura "that is NOT a cat"........No its not she said and we turned around. this is what we saw.

What a beauty, a Bobcat and her baby. We were entranced. I have never seen one in the wild. We usually see them stuffed at Welcome centers or museums of wildlife. This was real. SHe sat and posed for us. Those lovely Amber eyes.

She layed on a log over a small stream as the baby played around her. She dozed knowing we were watching and unafraid. We were in love. I had the window open as she gazed at us. Not at all concerned.

So we went home as thrilled as could be and now all we need to see is a Bear and an Elk, and well, I will take anything, I love them all.