Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Living with ADHD..........................

Tristen has ADHD. We suspected early on but it was not until he started school that it was confirmed. I really really did not want to take the route of medication. It goes against all I believe in. I dont think it's a good message to take a pill for everything that's wrong in life. After all, how then can we tell them not to take drugs? Just say NO but take one so you can function. I believe in self control and working on self improvement. We tried working on diet as I do believe that has a lot to do with the issue. Today it's difficult to find food that does not have preservatives, sugar or other additives in it. Not just that but the added chemicals, the growth hormones and now even the structure of food is changing. They take the DNA of one thing and add it to another to essentially make the item either pest resistant or what ever else the problem is in farming the item. Then they add colour made from goodness knows what to make it look better.
We wonder why our children mature early and yet they are fed animal products laced with hormones. The meat becomes what the creature itself is eating. Just as what goes into the earth will get into the veggies we eat. Things are added to the water we drink and we get shots to prevent diseases (and I am all for that) and all of that is added to our bodies to cope with. So where as in years gone by a child might be a bit hyper or on a sugar high as they would say, it was nowhere near what it is now. The number of children diagnosed is incredible.
What are we doing to our kids? Can we avoid it? I tried. I really tried. My son Justin had a form of ADHD but nothing like as bad as Tristen. Justin made it through school and the Marine Corps and College without medication. That says a great deal for his character. He had to work 3 times as hard as his brother to get the grades he wanted, but he did and got a Masters degree in Electronical engineering. I had high hopes Tristen could do the same.
Tristen though is a whole different story. His mother had ADHD along with other personality issues and again, not like this.
We give Tristen his pill in the mornings and the only effect we have seen is some nights its difficult to get to sleep. He also has problems with food, and eating. He does not eat well. Side effects of the drug. We are working on that.
This weekend, on Saturday we didn't give him his pill. The effect was scary. He was violent and almost as though he was autistic. He was mean, abusive and beligerant. Not at all my lovely little boy. Tristen has always been very loving, funny and fun to be with. As he has grown though he has become more and more out of control. We had to take him out of preschool because they could not control him. Young 5s had to deal with him but by the end of the year they insisted on testing him. I consulted his doctor and we decided to try the medication. At home we could still deal with him and he was not too beligerant with us so I had originally thought it was discipline that was more the problem at school. That all changed in time. The older he got, the worse he got, he was hitting kids and could not say why. He has a different doctor this year, she is much more involved and interested. She understands and has a child with the same issues. So we tried a higher dose and it was a charm.
I originally wanted to keep him off of the meds on weekends and holidays and that worked for a time. Now, it no longer works. It is not fair to Tristen. I can not imagine how he must feel. He says that he cant control it, his head wont do what he wants. He saw a psychologist and the guy was very impressed with him. The doctor said Tristen was able to very accurately describe what happens in his head and he was very insightful for one so young. He does not need to continue to see that doctor but I think it helped him and me in the beginning. The doctor he is seeing now is very much for keeping him on the meds and could tell he had not taken his meds last time we met to renew them. I can not now see taking him off them even on weekends. We loose complete control of him.
So.................this evening was his school conference. His teacher is so proud of him. She says he has done 100% better. His favourite thing is math and she says he is good at it. He is getting on well with his writing and is popular and has friends now. No one wanted anything to do with him before because he was always in trouble. I mean EVERY day.
As I said, Saturday was BAD. We gave him a pill on Sunday and he was a lot better but not so much by the end of the day when it wore off and he would not sleep. Monday he was in trouble at School. His teacher didn't know what happened, he punched someone in the face on the playground and was in the office the rest of the day. I got a note home a formal complaint.
I can only think that taking him off for one day had long range consequences. He would not talk about it Monday. I did ask the next day and he explained a little bit. So........ there we have it. I do not know how we will proceed long term but for now we will keep on this track and keep in mind he may need to up the dose as he gets bigger.
Meanwhile these are his school reports.
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He is saying First get a tube (toob)
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Next go up a hill and then sit on the tube.
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When they had free time he chose to read, his teacher was very thrilled with that.
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She says she takes pictures all the time and is making a scrap book for the end of the year. How sweet.
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Friday, February 19, 2016


I am in love with a cow. Well actually he is not a she, so is a bull, or bullock. He lives at the Gentle Barn in Tennessee. I can't remember when I first began to watch the Gentle Barns daily posts on Facebook, but it's been awhile now. They have some unique animals there, but the one who stole my heart is Dudley.
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So Dudley became my reason for no longer eating beef or pork. I can no longer in good concience eat these beautiful animals. This has been coming for a long time. Once before we gave up meat after seeing those horrific feed lots when we went out west. I think we did quite well for almost 7 years. Then when I had to cook for other people I got back into cooking meat again. I have to say I just love beef. I love Pork. It won't be easy and I am sure we will break down now and then. Probably when we go out to eat, not that that happens much.
The Gentle Barn in Tennessee also has a couple of pigs that are a hoot but it was Dudley who decided me.
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What a face. Dudley has a friend named Destiny. She too has a story. They are a couple now and inseperable.
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Dudley wants a kiss
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The life that they have now is a good one, bless them.
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Dudley is my love but Henry and Horton the two pigs also have a great story.
They have grown into pig piggies now. They have a great life and wonderful food. It looks good enough for me. All the fruits and veggies, they sleep with their own blankets in a lovely bed of hay. If only all animals could live like these. They are ensured a healthy and good life and thats as it should be.
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Some day I want to get down to Tennessee. I must get to meet Dudley.
He is such a love.
I could show Dudley videos for hours but I better wrap it up for now.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

A Visit to Donna.........................

All summer we have been wanting to stop out and see my friend Donna. She lives out in our favourite area and usually we are on our way home by the time we pass her house. That means kids are dirty and cranky.So we never seem to make it. Well.....Kim, Donns's wonderful talented husband made me a bowl for my yarn. It is made of wood and is just beautiful.Can you imagine the talent and generosity, to give it away as a gift.
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So Laura and I had a day that we could get away. Tristen and Reina were in school. Gerry was home to pick him up and so off we went.
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The day was nice enough, the skys were lowering, moody and quite beautiful. It was a little windy but not worrisome. So we set out for Donna's.
I have known her for a good many years, we both worked at Empire bank although not together. We attended the same bank events and the last time we actually went to a get together was many years ago. We went to a party at Carrlins parents cottage on Glen Lake.
We reconnected on Facebook and she has reprimanded us for not stopping out there yet. So with a mission at hand we set off.
Donna made us a wonderful lunch of home made hummas, pita chips, scones (the best I ever tasted) and fruit, cheese and veggies. I had wanted Laura to be able to see her beautiful home, so this was a great opportunity.
Kim made us coffee that was delicious. Donna's home is a log house and Kim did all the work. He is very handy and is also a great cook. Donna is a lucky lady.
They called Carrlin who lives next door to come over, so we had a nice visit. Donna wants us to take the kids, she want's to meet Tristen. They will have a great time there as it's on acreage and Kim has built a play house.They will be ecstatic.
When we finally said goodbye and I had a look at Kims wood shop before we set off for home. It was snowing by then and the wind was up.
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It got worse
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and worse until we could barely see a thing. Some idiot in a truck passed us. Can you believe that.
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Closer to town it was not quite so bad, but still it was difficult to see. Laura did a great job of staying on the road against the odds. We arrived home safe and sound and very thankful.

Thursday, February 4, 2016


Humans are carnivores. We were not created to be. When God made Adam and put him in the garden, there was no death intended. Man ate the vegetation and fruit. It was after man fell from grace and had to leave the garden that God took the skins of animals to clothe them both. The fear of man was put into animals for self preservation and man no doubt enjoyed his first steak. Well, man was created to live forever and it seems sort of a coincidence that his days were cut short after he began to eat meat. Well I am sure it's not that simple but anyway. That is a whole different story. Mans appendix is a left over from the vegetarian days.
Well, as time went on man developed farming abilities and could grow food as well as keep animals easy to domesticate. He found that the wool/fleece of different animals could be used for garments as well as their skins. So in the early days man took good care of his animals, he depended on them for everything. Now we do not take care of them, we abuse them. The farming practices over the last 100 years or so have become barbaric. We no longer care for the food animals with anything near respect or kindness. Not unless you are a small time farmer who raises animals for their own use. For public consumption they are raised on huge food lots and sent to slaughter under the most inhumane conditions.
The general public turns their heads and ignores this. I no longer can. I know I can't do anything about it other than protest but I can stop being a part of it.
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This picture above is of Dudley from the Gentle Barn in Tennessee. I fell in love after reading his story. The poor guy got his foot tangled in something and lost a foot. The farmer sent him to the Gentle barn and they got him a new foot, you must read his story. He is a wonderful personality and when you get to know any animal, you understand that they are individuals. They have feelings like we do and most certainly feel fear and pain.A farmer can not afford to become emotional or get attached to his animals, but this farmer did after taking care of Dudley. Simular stories about other animals you will hear at the Gentle Barn. Well, all animals and birds are like that. Get to know them and you are not going to eat them.
Give Dudley a kiss.
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When I was a child I was raised in a small village. I saw animals going in the back door at the butchers. The cattle market on Wednesdays. None of the animals were abused and all were very healthy. They ate good green grass and hay. They had grains and good food to make them fat naturally. The sheep were raised and shorn for wool and sent to market.
We would hand raise the babies who were rejected or sick and then they would go off with the rest. I think we were naive, I never thought about what happened to them.
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The sheep went off in a big truck but were processed locally and so the ride was a short one. I am sure they were afraid but they went to market and were bought and taken to the butchers where the deed was done. They live a good if short life until then.
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I never did like the taste of lamb or mutton and I have never eaten veal.
The thought now of eating a baby animal is just too horrible. After I found out how the veal calfs are treated I could never ever eat veal. Or lamb for that matter.
Don't get me wrong. I love meat. I am a carnivore. I love bacon and pork. Again, once I found out what happens to the pigs, how the sow is stuck in a small cage to feed her babies, cant move or ever see the light of day. No, its insane. Pigs seem to be treated the worst of all. I am not debating or getting into details because people who want to know can find out. Plenty of research has been done and proof of the cruelty of the workers in the factories are documented in plenty of detail on film.
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Henry and Horton from the Gentle Barn, they are funny and sweet. Very intelligent.
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The people at the barn tell stories of mischief, and you can see it in that face can't you.
I have videos of cows being released into a field after being in a barn all their lives. The joy and happiness melts my heart.
So I have decided to once more try to not eat beef or pork. I can not at this time go vegetarian. I will eat chicken and fish, turkey. Just not any of the big animals that I love.
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The dairy industry needs a complete overhaul too. How cruel to take away the baby as soon as its born to prevent it from taking mums milk. The cow has to have a calf in order for the cow to produce milk. If its a male then it is destroyed and female raised for milk or food. I am sure the males become veal cows. They are chained in a small hut so that they cant move and raised mostly in the dark to produce tasty meat.
I can't at this time not drink milk or milk products. I must make a start though and that is the line I am comfortable with at this time. No beef or pork. I already do not eat sheep or veal.
I try to get free range eggs, or non caged chickens eggs. When we are out and about we look for farms that sell eggs.
I am thinking of getting a few chickens for the back yard but have to figure out how as I cant keep a rooster because I live in town. Guess people don't want to get woke up at the crack of dawn? Anyway.......We had chickens once and about half turned out to be male and so we had the killed for meat. I could not eat it. I gagged when I cooked it and just could not eat it. When chickens are hatched for sale the males are all sent down a conveyer belt and crushed to death. That goes into pet foods. When did we become so hardened to all this.?
Yes animals have always had a hard time at the hands of man. Horses worked to death, abused for entertainment. I will never ever go or take a child to a circus. I will never go to Spain until they stop with the bull fights and so on.
It's not much but I make a stand where I can. I wish we could stop all the cruelty in the world but It's not possible. Some day man will realize what we have become.
All the hormones in cattle food has already had an impact. Our children mature at an early rate, most likely due to the hormone consumption. Now we have to worry about growth hormone and genetic modification. We do not know what we are doing.Even vegetables are not immune from that. Our food is no longer pure or even safe sometimes. So, go organic if at all possible. yes it costs more but what is your health worth?