Laura and I headed out just for a ride but we ended up in Leland, yes, on the beach. We could see the rain so knew we had a little time. I wanted to get some pictures of the Fall colours while the leaves are still one the trees. Well today we had a dust of snow so these days are getting fewer.
Off we go.

There were still some colours out there.

Some chilly Seagulls waiting. Waiting for what?

We stopped in Lake Leelanau for coffee and a scone. Yum, Blueberry. Watched some birds at their feeders.

And I loved this pumpkin outside.

We sat inside while it rained. Didn't last long and so we went on to Leland and to the beach. The sun was out again and there was a rainbow

It came and went and eventually made a whole bow. Meanwhile we looked for blue stones without much luck. I did find some nice flat oval stones that will make nice necklaces. (we hope)

I love the beaches at this time of year. Dramatic skies and howling wind. It was not cold, just very windy. We could see the rain coming and knew how long we had to get off the beach.
One thing that was very troubling was that we found about half a dozen dead water fowl. I wonder why? They may have got cold or drowned in the storms? I have no idea. One strange thing was that one of them had the body of a small rodent a few yards away.
Does Laura look a bit cold?

The sun came and went and the sky was beautiful

Across the river, the harbour and Leland Fish town

We could see the rain coming so we left.

As we left this young guy was on his way down to the beach, haha

We had to go home because we had a late start, so even though I don't have to get back for Tristen anymore we still have to be back for Reina by 4ish

Lovely old barns on M72

We were going to go out today but were too tired. It got really cold and rained too so just as well we decided not to go. There wont be too many more days like this one. Snow was all around us, it wont settle yet but it won't be long.