Jesus is my Savior not my religion. My bible tells me that in order to exist with God Almighty we have to be perfect. Because He is perfect. We can't do that because we will never be perfect not in this life. We lost that when sin entered the world because of Adam and Eve's disobedience. Thus He sent His son Jesus Christ to help us get back to the perfect state that God requires. The sacrifice of God's only son gave us the way to make things right with God. By accepting the sacrifice that God made for us. Really a matter of obedience. God says that blood is required, now whether that is somehow to do with blood and the life in that blood I don't know, or if it is just a matter of obeying what God tells us to do even if we do not understand. Like when He told Abraham to kill Isaac his only son. Well Abraham had God's promise that the saviour would come through his line, so either God would save Isaac or somehow bring him back to life. Isaac too had faith, he was a strapping lad and Abraham was old. Without obedience to his father Isaac could have refused. So Abraham knew somehow God would fulfill His promise and Abraham was ready to obey and that was all God needed to see.
People look at the Bible, they try to understand what is not always going to be understood. It requires Faith and Love. Learn what you can and accept what you do not get just yet. As He says, some day it will all be clear, right now we don't have all the information or ability to comprehend. So just do as you are told and hang on.
I think that many want it all down in black and white and want to know NOW. Well that just will not happen. I have it straight enough in my own mind and I have a huge imagination where the rest is concerned.
All I know is this. What ever I have not understood in the past, at different times it falls into place. We all have questions.
It began for me when I saw God as a destructive and cruel person, the lives of others who were not His own seemed to be of no value. I worried about the animals and the children of those who God destroyed one way or other.
When Noah built the ark for example. He saved animals yes, to keep the species going but what about the rest. What about the babies and children who drowned? Why could He not find another way? After all He is God and can do anything. Well the Bible says that there were none without sin, none. Not even Noah and his family but they were at least in a firm relationship with God.
Just before that occurred there was a war in Heaven. Some of the Angels who had high positions got out of hand. They saw that some of the women down here were beautiful and proceeded to have sex with them. Male and female, from those relationships with man and beast all flesh was corrupted (over the years)and things were born that to God were monstrosities. Think your Roman, Greek and Norse Myths for a start. The beasts that are no longer with us, half man half goat, half horse, whatever. There were giants in the lands. I know that one tale of the guy who was told to leave Troy by his dad went and found England and it was occupied by giants. Yes skeletons have been found throughout the world. So, after a time God repented of making man and decided to just start over, but He had made a promise and did not destroy everything. He chose Noah, a Godly man and his family and sent for animals in pairs and in sevens and sent them to Noah. Noah has nothing to do with the choosing of them and GOD shut the door to the ark.
Now, we know there was still sin within the new creation because Cain killed his brother Abel.
So life began again on planet earth. We are on God's timetable not ours and the time was not yet right for God's plan to proceed. Man had gotten way to far ahead of things. With the tower of Babel and technology it was corrupted and cursed.
The question remains...........was the flood all over the world, or the known world at the time? Does it matter? Did God create other people other than Adam and Eve. Again, does it matter. The point of the story of Adam is to show how Christ is related to him through his genealogy back to Adam and Gods promise of salvation through Adams line. Is the rest all extra or is that it? I don't know.
I would imagine that Dinosaurs were long gone before Adam, maybe a few prehistoric's remained who knows who was on the ark. The thing is all those huge bodies sure did a good job of fertilizing the earth. Darwin's theory of Evolution is just that. A theory. I believe in adaption. We see that even today, animals and bird adapt to their living conditions but a Dog never became a Cat and a Monkey never became a man. They are different species. I can believe that all monkeys came from one pair though and changed and adapted over time because we see that in animal husbandry now. We can manipulate a dog over a few years to become a new breed but it is and always will be a dog.
If we believe in infinity, and no we can not grasp that concept, then maybe it is possible that God created other life on other planets in other galaxies. Maybe they turned out better than we did and maybe the Angels didn't fancy them, or maybe the ones watching them were of better moral fiber.
All I know is there is a spirit world, another life form other than us. They were created by and for God's pleasure. We are the clay and He is the potter. We exist because of Him and for Him. Think about what a privilege it is then to have a relationship with the creator. By accepting Jesus's gift of love, His death, as our Salvation we get to have a personal relationship with Him. It does not mean we wont go through bad times, or wont get hurt by war or accident or famine or any of those things. It means He will see us through and eventually when our time is done we can go home to God. '
Man was made for the earth and I believe that when all is said and done we will come back to a perfect earth and complete Gods original purpose. We should be able to inter act with Him as it was in the beginning. Can we then travel to other places in the universe? Why not? God created it all and I can not imagine that He didn't have something in mind other than us tending a garden on earth. Personally that would be fine by me, give me all my animals and that is Heaven for me. Yes some people apparently will be in Heaven and those have a different mission. It's all there in the bible for those who care to read with an open mind.
Well I am no scholar and I am not saying that this is what people should believe, I have no right to do that. I am limited in my knowledge. A lot of this is common sense though. People argue over time lines what is a year to God and to us? Is it the same...........sometimes yes sometimes no. Do we have ALL the books of the Bible, no we do not. A man decided (with or without Gods help?) what should be in our current Bible and what should be left out. Read it all and make your own mind up. If you have accepted Christ as saviour then the Holy Spirit is your guide not me.
All I know is the truth is there for us.................what about other religions. Well again that's not for me to say. For me and for Christians then the Bible is our guide. The jews and the Muslims worship the same God. Do they have a different path or are they all supposed to follow Christ. I do not know. God speaks to them as well as us and it is for them to find their own way as the Spirit guides us. The Muslims have the Koran, did God give it to them? I don't know but I am not going to sit here and say that they will go to hell if they don't convert because I don't know, the Holy Spirit will and should guide them as well as the Jewish people. Some of those people will be converted after the war of Armageddon that is lurking on the horizon I believe.
What then, a large war that will end life as we know it but will bring forth a new heaven and new earth. The Lion lays down with the lamb and no more wars............thats heaven to me. Bring it on. Jesus will come back. Will I be in trouble, probably, will I have much to answer for ? Yes but I know this Jesus died for me and I accepted His sacrifice and so even if I am scrubbing toilets I will spend eternity with Him.