What can I say? Our beautiful Queen has reigned for Sixty Five years.
Today is ascension day. The day Elizabeth 11 came to the throne upon the death of her Father. Not a role she was ready to play, but one that she embraced as only she could. A lifetime of service. Dedicated to her people and country. Always first in her heart. Even now at 90 she still works. There are people who say that they are leaches who live off the people. Those sort are far from knowing just how much the Royal Family does for our country. Yes, they could sit back and do nothing. Live a life of leisure rather than dedication but they do not. Oh sure, they live in castles and stately homes surrounded by luxury. What some people fail to see is that they are the keepers of our national treasures. What do you think would happen to all that if it were not for them? What would people come to see in an England devoid of it's estates and castles and treasures? How dull it would all be without the ceremonies and pomp and circumstance that only Britain can do so well? ........Apart from that, the very service they do for charities and services. They all take on their favourite thing. Just watch William and Harry and Kate and see how they give to others of their time and use their position to help and encourage others. It's no act. It is the way they have been raised, to live to serve. They know they live privileged lives, but their lives are not their own. Constantly under scrutiny. Every move watched and noted.
The monarchy has changed during Elizabeth's reign but if you go back to the first Elizabeth, you see that same dedication, the same resolve, the same wisdom. That is a great part of what makes the Monarchy, that line of succession, that link with the past. It is the glue and fabric that hold the nation together.
Politicians come and go............sometimes we get a great one like Sir Winston Churchill. They are rare. Even so, the common link is the sovereign who councils them and guides them. The Queen has seen so many come and go and her continuity has been a link for them all, someone to guide them or council them. Sometimes as with Sir Winston, the other way around where he was the one to guide a young woman into the Queen she became.
Every day of her life she works. She is responsible for so much more than people give her credit for. She does have power. They say just a figurehead, well no, she is not.
Even as a princess she worked, she drove ambulances during the war and was an auto mechanic.
She is smart, intelligent and savvy. She knows her job and does it well and is dedicated to it. How many people are still working at 90 years old. I have to add that her husband the Duke of Edinburgh has been her confidant and support for all these years. It could not have come easy. Much like Victoria and Albert, they had to weather some storms, it does not come natural for a man to walk behind his wife. I remember a few Faux Pas in his younger days. He seemed to manage to put his foot in it quite frequently and does not suffer fools gladly.

Prince Charles is heir to the throne. He has not really survived the fiasco of his marriage to Diana in the eyes of the people. She remains a popular Princess. I see her as a spoiled child who almost destroyed the monarchy. Oh I can understand her, but that does not change things. I am old fashioned. I expect a certain behavior from the Royal women. However, I do believe that had the Queen not allowed the divorce they would have worked things out in the end as Diana grew into a remarkable woman. Charles is a good man, his interests are many. He is an artist. He is a gardener, he is interested in the environment and architecture. Some see that as being stuffy and boring. Not me. I would find him interesting. He will be an active and involved King when the time comes.
Now he is married to the love of his life, but people still resent Camilla. That's a shame. She has worked diligently to earn her place. People do not know the goings on between Charles and Diana, they do not know what really happened. We can only go by what we see, and I saw Diana as a needy person, she has no excuse knowing the expectations of Royal life. She grew up with them. So he was not 100% in love with her. So what. She had to know that. If she thought that her tantrums and illness would win him over she was wrong. He had to be appalled at her behavior. I am sure he had seen nothing like it and Fergie was a lot of the influence on her at that time. She too divorced but she still lives in the same house as Andrew and they have at least been a family for their daughters.
William and Harry are good men, that is in great part because of their Father with whom they are very close. Everyone gives Diana credit for that but not so............apparently Charles has done good for them and has more than made up for the loss of their Mother, they love her, of course they do and what a tragedy that was. Camilla was never good enough to be Charles partner because of her divorce. Well, things change and although as head of the Church of England Charles should not be divorced or married to a divorcee, it happened. Camilla has dedicated her life to her work as everyone else in the family has.
She won't be "Queen" but she will be a darn good consort. Let Charles have his day. Let William have a life and enjoy his little family while he still can. I pray that the monarchy goes on and on and on forever. I probably will never live to see King William or whatever he chooses for his name, but I may just see Charles as King and I hope that his people will appreciate what a good man he is.

Meanwhile, God Bless our Queen and may she have many more years to be our sovereign.