Senator John Mccain.

I am not a political person. I may every now an then take an interest but I don't get involved. My Kingdom is not of this world as Jesus said. I know that in the end man will have exhausted all possible excuses and may even come to the realization that God was right in the beginning. We have a limited time to discover that. God allows us to try our best to rule ourselves. We as a species have tried every form of self governing that we can possibly come up with. None has been a success so far. So I stand on the sidelines. I watch. I comment but I do not participate.
All well and good you may say, but is there ever a time to get involved? Maybe, so far it has not come up for me. I can not put a label on myself, if I had to say what I believe politically then I would say I am a moderate socialist. Now in America Socialism is a bad word. I was raised at a time that Socialists were in power in Britain and I saw what happened when they were in turn defeated. At one time the government ran all the "lifeblood" industry and communications. They gave us socialized medicine so everyone had the benefit of a free health care system that was at the time the best that could be had. Education free to all. The Gas, Electricity (The National Grid) I may be wrong here but I also thought coal was too, water and all that kept a country running smoothly. I also believe transport, trains etc was government run. Anyway, suffice it to say that in my eyes when it was all opened up to free enterprise and profit chaos reigned. People went on strike for more pay and we had to learn to survive with using candles because the Electric company was on strike and when they got what they wanted and returned to work then the Gas company followed suit. If we had gas stoves or fires then it was learning another set of survival tactics. Buses go on strike, people walk. Trains go on strike well then what? If you needed them to get to work tough. I guess that made me want the government back in the game. It influenced how I felt. Now here in America they think Socialism is Communism and could not be more wrong. Since I came here I have shied away from politics and have no interest. People here have a whole different way of thinking, it's all about individual rights rather than the good of the whole. I have to say they are selfish in many ways, "I got mine" attitude. That goes against the grain for me.

So Senator McCain. I often have not agreed with him, sometimes I have not liked him but...........I have always respected him. He is at heart a good man as any. He stands for what he believes in and his love of country is above else in his heart. He did what he believed best for this country. As I said I don't always agree but can not fault him for his love. He was able to deal with people from both sides, he said when his side was wrong in his mind. He was brave. I could pick him apart and say I am not for the warrior mentality but he served his country best he could in the military. That meant killing innocents while bombing over Vietnam and I am sure he will answer to God for that as we all will answer some day for our misdeeds. He was no saint and neither am I so no judgement here. I love how he has planned his own funeral and given the final finger up to Trump.

So I am sorry to see a good man gone, there are not many like him. Senator Ted Kennedy was the last man like him that I respected, although again he certainly had issues.
This man who is president now to me had no saving graces. No one is perfect. No one ever always does the right thing. We are manipulated by slogans and memes like the ones shown here that tell half truths.

I don't know why John McCain would not vote for a bill that helps veterans but I suspect there was a lot more attached to the bill and he could not in conscience send it through. I think that every bill should be for one thing and one thing only. Vote on that issue on its own merits. They say it would take too long, well tough that's their job. Just do it. Write the bill, send it around let everyone read it and tick a box yeah or nay and let the winner have the day. Why are things so complicated???? Anyway. I don't know. I am neither for or against this man. I just know we could use a few more like him with integrity. Anyway, just my thoughts for what they are worth and that's not much.
Goodbye sir and Bon Voyage.