I had arranged on Saturday to meet Jo and Toni for lunch at Boones in Glen Arbor.
We have not gone out together for a long time. For a lot of reason's and none really valid when it comes to friends.

I have known Jo since I began work at Empire Bank around 1978. I worked through the selling of the bank into it's beginning with Huntington Bank. We all retired then. Well Jo didn't really retire, she worked part time at Boones in Glen Arbor where we had lunch.
We used to do a lot of things together at first we had a girls night with others from the bank, and her and Toni would host an annual "hot tub/ski party". we used to go and had some good times. Most of those people have gone now. We are all getting old.
Jo and myself being served by Bob Israel.

Supposed to be working haha, showing my very first quilt to Jo

We used to get together with many friends back in the day. Why did we stop? Well Lois moved away and we haven't seen Virginia and Larry since we stopped going to the ski party. We stopped because it was in the Winter and I hated driving out to Empire, a few times we had to turn back because of the snow. I guess we just stopped.
we went away for a while to the UP together and had such a good time, the four of us. Is it too late now?
Toni has had some health problems, bouts with cancer and kidneys. He is doing well really and looks healthy. A few of our friends have not been so lucky. So...........new resolution. We have to have a get together and catch up again.

Maybe it's time for a reunion.

we went back to their house after we ate. We didn't stay long because I wanted to take the long way home.

When we left we went back through Glen Arbor and went to Port Oneida to look and see if anyone was around. Animals that is haha. The two families of Sandhill Cranes were there.

Apart from that not much else to see. Headed home with a new resolution to get together again soon.