'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;

I suppose we all have some sort of memories from childhood that we remember this time of year. Of the child we once were staring out the window, looking, hoping for a sight of the sleigh coming over the roof tops.........

We listen for those tinkling bells on the harness of the reindeer. Instead we hear bells and carol singers at the top of the road under the lamp post. Sometimes the Salvation army may come with their band and people wander up to listen as I watch from my window. Supposed to be asleep by now but its such a magical night, the stars shine so bright in the clear night sky.

Sometimes the singers would go door to door and it was polite to answer the door and stand and listen.......The old songs, the real Christmas carols. When they had gone and all was quiet again, I know I would sit and continue to watch and listen

Of course I would always fall asleep, never did see that sleigh but wonder of wonders next morning there would be gifts on the end of my bed. My parents thought they might get to sleep in by doing that but of course I would always run in to show them this miricle. So that would backfire on them I guess. Other years I would find the gifts under the tree. I suppose they figured they may as well just get up. I dont remember.

Naturally I did not get gifts like those above. I would get one or two things from parents, a book usually from Nan and Granddad and my aunt Ivy would often buy me a book. That was all I wanted or expected I thought myself lucky to get so much all at once. A miricle.

May the magic of Christmas stay with you always, and remember that it is our Saviors birth celebration. He gave us the biggest and most important gift.........eternal life.