We have often missed the family reunions, mainly my fault I suppose. Let me explain. I am an only child and married a man who is one of 18. If you have followed my blog you know this. I find it difficult being in crowds and especially ones where I don't know people. Getting to actually know 18 siblings, 18 spouces and children for me was am impossible task as a young person in a strange country. I had nothing in common. As years went on I did find a few of my sister in laws that I loved and as my kids grew older it became easier for me to go with them. Well........now there are not so many of us, mainly the siblings and some of their kids but not the large crowds of the parents family, friends and so on.
This year was great. Tristen just had so much fun. There were several kids his age and Reina's age and they played great together.

Tristen and Reina made friends quickly.

Tristen tried his hand at everything in the play area. I caught him swinging off some bars and dropping to the ground. Scared the wits out of me but he was off and running and had a great old time.
I did make Gerry go over and watch him on the bars as he had never climbed before.

He joined in when they did the kids games, he is not at all shy. He also knows when then camera is on him just like his mother did. He is outgoing and friendly.

All my grandchildren were outgoing, maybe it was the Marine Corps life that did it. Or more likely the school system these days. Not like when I was in school and froze like a rabbit in headlights if called upon to say or do anything. I will be sure that Tristen grows up enjoying the company of other kids and being outgoing as he seems inclined.
Lovely post,what a wonderful family you have.The children are having a great time.
Laura xx
What a great time! I am so glad you went...even though I know it is difficult for you to do that. It is good for the kids to get together with their cousins, too. Blessings- xo Diana
He was clearly enjoying himself; it is good that he joins in so readily. How did you end up in a 'strange country?'
Oh yes, you can tell the children are having a great time! Wow - on of 18, that is a lot! My Mom was one of 8 and I thought that was a big family! I'm not comfortable in crowds, either, so I totally get it - especially when you first moved here. Must have been difficult.
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