Edna wanted stuff for canning.Here is Edna at a roadside market.

That was at Bear Lake. We continued downstate and stopped at The Amish country store where I picked up some supplies. Its a great place to buy spices and herbs and stuff.Things like dried beans and things for making stews. Will soon be time for that. Across the road is a quilt shop. Needless to stay we stopped there too. Below is Edna chatting to the owner. Nice lady.

I think I did well there and didn't buy anything. Next stop was another farm market and I got some lovely corn on the cob and some flax seeds. We used to stop for lunch there but they have stopped doing that. Sheesh, they didn't ask us for our opinion on that. So much fresh fruits and vegatables grown on the farm there.They also do the baked goods but as I am on a diet, I also passed up the butter and cheese at the Amish store.

We went to lunch in Scottsville instead and stopped in some Antique shops. In one of them I found an old Tonka toy for Tristen, he is going to love it. A road roller. Remember those with the big drum on front that flattens the asphalt or stones? He will have fun with that. Then after lunch we went to one of our favourite quilt shops "The Pig Patch"

I love going through farm country........The Pig Patch is a lovely farm house. The lady runs her business out of her house. She has converted rooms very cleverly into a beautiful display for her fabrics. Its one of our favourite shops. Some places just grab the imagination and this is one of them.
In the garden are Fall Crocus, have you heard of such a thing. I must get some.

The fields near by had Pumpkins growing.We will soon see those for sale no doubt

We were gone all day, came back through Interlochen and by chance I said "I wonder if the quilt shops open" well it was so in we went. I made up for lost time. I bought some patterns and got ideas. So away with my paints after tomorrow and out with the sewing machine. I have to make a start on quilts. I really must. I hope I can get enthusiastic about this. I need to make some Christmas gifts
Janice- I am glad you and Edna had a nice girl's day out. Sounds like you both enjoyed it.
Good luck on your sewing. I am getting a sewing room ready and can't wait to get started in there- ox Diana
Sounds like you had a great day! I've made some quilted wall hangings and a small friendship star quilt. I'd love to see some of the quilts or projects you've made. You are a lady of many talents!
(Ugh, I'm on a diet, too. Trying to not put back on all the pounds I worked so hard to take off.)
Sounds like a really nice relaxed day for you and Edna. I love the look of those colourful apples on the stall. They remind me of early apples here called Worcesters. They have a great flavour but don't keep long. I wonder if they are the same.
What a great day! So much fun and so much to see! Would love to see your quilts when you are finished ;o) Hugs ;o)
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