Friday, August 30, 2019

Englands Jerusalem.....................

I have heard this Hymn so many times and my eyes always fill with tears. I can't explain how I feel, there are no words adequate. I read history, ancient history, the early Saxons, the Vikings the Picts and Scots. The Romans even, they are all in my DNA. That is England to me, my DNA. It's a beautiful country with beautiful castles and quaint houses. The roads the Romans gave us are still in use. The castles William built are still there. Good ol King Henry didn't destroy all the churches and cathedrals and monasteries...I feel them when I touch the stones and walk among the ruins. They are all a part of me. I can't explain it.

I feel close to those ancient peoples. I feel them inside me a part of me. For that reason I can never change my allegiance and become what I am not and never can be. I am British, English, I have Scottish blood as well from a long ago grandmother. I have Viking blood somewhere too and I feel that keenly sometimes. We are tame now, us modern people but sometimes, when things are just right I feel that blood well up. Prozac helps haha.

My daughter loves England too but in a much different way, I think a more romantic way, mine is visceral.
The people have changed in recent years and become something less traditional. They have come from countries that were once our Empire. They are British for sure but in a different way.When history looks back at 21st century Britain the people will feel differently about England than we do, but..........they too will become English in generations to come but with ties to their ancestral homes maybe. Will they ever love her as I do? Will people still have that bond?

Bodicea stands on the Embankment and I love her. I feel the Romans in the great city of Bath and if you close your eyes you can almost hear them whispering in the Bath houses........awesome places.
The Romans built a road right through where I once lived and I feel for the Saxons who died when they passed through, I saw their bodies and feel their loss. I wonder if we were related as most of my family springs from that area mainly farmers like those dead Saxons were.

Never have I felt such a connection as I did at Tintagel. I KNOW Arthur lived, I could feel him. This may sound like fairy tales or wishful thinking. I said I could not explain my feelings but I know these people. Romantic daydreams. If so then why? Yes I get homesick. My family is almost gone now, me too but even though I may die in a foreign country my spirit shall always be in England......until the day when Christ does in fact come back to claim us.


Merlesworld said...

It's funny how we feel a connection with the land we live in people who leave their country of birth often take their culture with them a new life is not what they want but a safe life is often the case.

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Janice, I'm reading with tears in my eyes.....
"And did those feet in ancient time
Walk upon England's mountains green ?
And was the holy lamb of God
On England's pleasant pastures seen?...
I confess to tearing up every time I hear this song.
As you know, I share your deep love for our homeland, my heart is forever loyal, and when I leave this earth, I will proudly remain a British subject.

Jeni Street said...

I ffeel the very same,Janice. I might reside in Australia but England is always my home.
Every time my plane lands at Heathrow or Gatwick, my mind says to me “you are at peace, you are home,” Always the same reaction,. I tear up when we have to come back to Australia.
One day, I’ll go home for good!😳
Love your blogs.

Janice Kay Schaub said...

thankyou for understanding all of you..........