Sunday, August 25, 2019

Silver Lake Park August....................

A quiet Saturday in August, a bit cooler than of late and so we went for a walk. We chose to go to the Silver Lake Park where we used to take the kids. Been a long time since we were there. The Beaver is gone. Too close to people to be a success. There are houses too close by. people infringe on nature way too much.

Nice for those who like nature to be so close but I prefer things left natural. I like the wildlife. Still it does adapt somewhat. We started off through the meadows to get to the two ponds that were what we really wanted to check out.Just a few people out walking. Saw this lovee on the trail.

Didn't even bark, I am glad because his family were watching some Sand Hill Cranes and a Blue Heron. I couldn't get good pictures. I forgot to put the chip in my camera and my I-phone's battery went. Gerry had Tristen's camera with him but not enough pixels when I crop. You really have to look to see them camouflaged in the reeds.

Can you see the Blue Heron? He's big but hard to see in this picture.

I must go back and see if the Heron is still there because with my other camera I could get a good shot. Today it's too hot again so won't be today.
Further along the trail I saw some Indian Paintbrush.

The woods had recovered from the fire from a few years ago and unless you knew where to look you would never know it had happened. We wondered if this was someones home.

There were apples on the trees so the deer will enjoy those when people are gone home.
The other pond is not so full of lily pads, I saw a duck fly in but didn't see him on the water when I got there.

There are signs of Autumn on the way, few leaves changing but the Goldenrod is almost blooming and Asters budding. The Sumac is showing it's colours.
I am finding it difficult to negotiate trails these days, I just don't see well. Still it could be worse so I am grateful and will go on enjoying our treks for as long as I can. I will always have these to do back to and remember

1 comment:

Magic Love Crow said...

Truly beautiful Janice!!! Loved these pictures! Thank you! Big Hugs!