It will soon be 2 years on February 7th (my husbands birthday) that we lost Alexandra. She was 21. It has been a challenging two years, but we are blessed to have Tristen who is now 3 years old. I am his guardian and he is a blessing to us. I see so much of Alex in him. She was a drama queen to say the least. It comes natural, I know that now because I see it in her son every day. What a dramatist he is. Alexandra, we think of you every day, how can we not. For me and Gerry it's a challenge to be parents at our age. It also keeps us young (so I am told) and I see things now that I never had time to see when raising my own children. Or even my grandchildren for that matter. Alexandra lived with us from the time she was 16. She went home once only to come back again permanently. She had many troubles in her young life, mainly of her own creating. Still..........she was learning.
I think I loved the little Alex the most, I dont know. She was sooooo naughty. Much like someone else I could mention
She was full of mischief her entire life.

Alexandra loved attention, she craved it. Was always the center of it and sought it out.....being a Cheerleader just came natural.

She loved the camera and the camera loved her.

I dont think anyone else I know had as many pictures of themselves on Facebook.....yeah, she was vain. She was also beautiful.

I must say we have had some good laughs about her infatuation with her own self image.
As a young girl she loved horses. Especially my old horse Lady. She went to kentucky with her uncle Jason and Gabby went along one year too.

Alex became a mother. I think she enjoyed her pregnancy she took pictures through every stage.

She went into labour with a very positive attitude and the desire to be beautiful throughout the process, I think she was.
She had her dad and mum and stepmum and a couple of others to attend her.
She was not a Mother for very long, but she enjoyed it as much as she could, she was going to school and working and was engaged to be married. She was very busy with her life and looking towards the future.

Tristen was only 16 months when his mum died. He does not remember her but he knows who she is from the pictures. We go to visit her and he loves to go visit "Mama's house" sad, but he is doing very well and we just love him so much.
We miss you girl.............

This is a post script........sorry this is a long post but this part is very important...........Alexandra's mother (my daughter Laura ) wrote this.
Super Bowl Sunday has a different meaning for me now. It is the anniversary Sunday of when I lost my 21 year old daughter Alexandra from complications after being in a car crash. We had a wonderful evening with family and friends at a super bowl/ sledding party. Alex was her usual bright, laughing, obnoxious self.
It started snowing about 8 or 9 pm and as soon as the football game was over at 10pm we all made plans to head out in order to get home before the roads got too bad. I remember Robert and I outside dusting off our car and Alex doing hers. I had a small thought in the back of my mind to ask her if she wanted us to follow her or even better take her home in our car, but thought better of it as she has always been independent and I didn't want to make her feel like she needed her mom to take care of her. To this day, I wish I had gone with my gut. Robert and I left before her. We were half way home when Laura Peck Herman called us to say that Brian had just passed a car that had been in an accident and it looked like Alex's car. So, we turned around and went back. It was her. The car was smashed so bad.
Alex had been talking on her cell phone. We know this because someone ( i don't remember who now) called the last number on her phone and got a person who said that yes, he was on the phone with her and he heard her get into an accident.
The reason, the moral of this story is to tell you all...please...please please stay OFF your phones whilst driving! It is so not worth the possible repercussions.
Texting is one of the worst things you can do while driving. But talking on your cell especially in bad snow/rain conditions is also so dangerous. I truly believe she would have been alive today had she stayed off her phone. She was notorious for being a wild driver. She learned the hard way I am afraid. And it is her son who has lost the most.
This Super Bowl Sunday. Do not drink and drive, text and drive or talk on cell and drive. Do it for Alex. In her memory. So that you can wake up tomorrow with your loved ones safe and sound. It only takes a second to lose control. I always feel sorry for the people in the van she hit. They were not injured, but they will have the memory of a young woman dying that night for the rest of their lives. It affects more than just you! Remember that!
Thank you.
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