It was really busy at Gallaghers, we picked up what we wanted and then went down to see the animals. It was really cold though so did not linger.

I don't really like seeing them because I know what happens to them very soon. The kids don't though so it's always fun for them. Piggies were all tucked up snug together

After that we went to Walmart because Toy's R Us had closed. Tristen picked out some toys, I gave up and let him get a Nerf gun and also a new lego set. When we were checking out we saw the New Jurassic Park movie so we got that to watch. We bought a cake (any excuse for a cake as Gerry is always wanting cake) Ice cream (I got some coffee and Rum and Raisin for me). We also got a Butterfly for Alex. Next we went to visit Alex.

Today is also Michaelmas Day, the Feast of St Michael. It is Jason's birthday, his middle name is Michael. So we called Jason so Tristen could wish him happy birthday.
When we visit Alex it is always an opportunity to talk so his question was "So she was living with you when she died is that why I stayed with you?" Yes, that's why, because you were already living with us, Grandma Laura(Rodrigues) had Reina and she was small then, Grandpa Dan (Commins) could not handle the kids he had so asked if we would keep you and of course we wanted to anyway.........We told him it was what his mum wanted too because she had written a letter saying that if anything happened we should take care of him. We explained he was very fortunate so many people wanted him, talking about Laura H who he is now with, said she always wanted him and just didn't want to wait. That everyone even the judge thought he should stay here but she didn't give up. When they set the date for trial on the date Alex died I could not go on.............and so, he can be happy there as well as with us because they can do so much with him that we can not. If he doesn't act up in school we can spend more time with him so as I said, it gives us a chance to explain things better as he gets older. When I said he can be happy that he is so loved and wanted and he grudgingly said "spose so" ............lucky boy gets to go on a cruise this winter.
So next he got to have his cake and ice cream and then watched his new movie.

I think we all had a good day. He and Cooper have been playing all day and have been getting along well. I will remind Tristen that if he does well in school he may be able to begin staying overnight again. Time will tell.