Saturday, October 13, 2018

Sabin Pond Trail...................

Today was glorious. The sun was out, the sky was blue with pretty clouds. It was cool and breezy. We went for a walk again. This time we chose to go see what they were doing down on the river. The Boardman exploration center was closed but they have put maps up at the trail heads. They have closed off one side of the trail system while they work on the dam. Well actually while they change the course of the Boardman River.
So we took the other trail, the one where I took Gabby and Cooper. The scene has changed rather a lot since then.
This was then.
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This is now.
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This trail was unaffected. The boardwalks and everything are still in place and it will be a wonderful when it's all finished.
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The colours this weekend are just beautiful
I love trees, I love their life force. I feel it with my hands and want to hug them. I am a tree huger haha. Just hope no one sees me haha. Even when a tree dies it provides shelter for the wee beasties. When I was walking and saw several trees down, some cut up and a pile of branches. I saw what wonderful habitat it created. It made me realize that as humans we are selfish. We bury our bodies in coffins or concrete to keep them intact or whatever the reason is. Our bodies do not fulfill their purpose. We do not help our environment as other creatures do.
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Some of the colours were brilliant. Along the road to the trail I could not take pictures but some of them were so bright, red, orange, deep reds and russets. Yellow, gold and still a lot of green.
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Part of the trail goes through wet lands and have a board walk, some goes through deciduous forest and some through ever greens.
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When the work is done, the woods and wetlands will fill again with wild life, birds and everything beautiful. I must remember this walk in the Spring when the Wildflowers are out
This picture is the place where Cooper was standing
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As you see from some of the pictures Gerry was cold, I was very comfortable in a cardigan. The sun was warm and in the woods not so windy.
The air smelled so good, pine and sunshine. The russell of leaves in the breeze.
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As we walked back I took a side trip into the garden by the center itself. I sat in the sun and watched the birds. Gerry was already back at the car. Some small ones were feasting on the seeds as well as the bird feeders, singing, happy little things. They ignored me pretty much.
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I have been waiting for the milk weed pods to open, and it reminds me that all things come full circle. The breeze was blowing them, distributing them while the birds were eating many of the other seeds still on the plants.
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I passed another feeding station and there were a lot of finches at that one, the trees were full of them.
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There were still some flowers in the gardens.
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I think I will try to take Gabby and Cooper down there soon. On the other side of the road there are quite a few more trails that go along the river banks. I have only been on a couple so we have a lot more walking to do.
One last thing. Do you have a bug box in your gardens? I liked this one.
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Magic Love Crow said...

Truly magical pictures!! Really loved them all Janice! That's alot of work they are doing on the dam! I hope it all turns out amazing! Big Hugs!

Maggie said...

I enjoyed rreading this