We stopped first at Cedar Lake but the pictures were dull but the next one Little Traverse Lake was pretty.

Its a lovely road with houses along the beach side and woodlands on the other. We had gone for a walk in Veronica Valley but the grass was wet so we didn't go far. The Blue Heron came in but was dissappointed because some kids were fishing. So no pictures of that. Also missed a flock of turkey running. We didn't get a picture of them either.

By the time we got into Leelanau county the sun was in and out.There was no one to see on the Boardwalk so we next went to the Port Oneida roads into the woodlands. There is one spot that I love because the colours are so brilliant.

There were people up at the farm house working on the barns so we just stopped down the road a bit to get pictures.

This road and the views never get old. We meandered on through the woods. We noticed the apple trees from the old farm was lush with fruit and the deer and other animals will enjoy these.

This road was nice and smooth unlike the ones we were on Thursday. The view from my favourite spot was fantastic. A couple of people had put up chairs and sat enjoying coffee just enjoying the view. I took my pictures and left them to enjoy the sunshine and the view

We were surprised to see the Sandhills still there. I just took a couple of pictures because some guy was there with a huge proffessional camera. Didn't want to disturb him.

Next stop the beach, it was also washed out but at least I could get down these steps. Gerry stayed in the car to "rest his back" .....there were quite a few people going back and forth because the storms had brought up a lot of stones too and everyone wants Petoskey stones. It's the fun of the hunt. I saw one lady with a bag of driftwood. I contented myself with picking up trash. I hate to see the rings from milk jugs and tabs from soda cans etc that birds and fish get caught in. Now I have to say our beaches are usually pristine but after so many storms trash was inevitable.

The colours were pretty and the lake was calm this day, but you can see the damage.

I saw some cute little bugs on the stones on the beach. No idea who they are.

A freighter passing by, safe this time from the gales.

Gerry was ready to go home by then so a quick swing by Empire to see what the damage was there.......amazing how strong those waves were.

So home today and next time Leland.