Anyway we set off and looked for Snowy owls, coyotes, fox anything but saw nothing. We had talked about stopping for a Reuben seeing we would be close to Fishers. Took some pictures of some barns, I do so love the old barns.

So we stopped first at the Samaritans CLoset in Lake Leelanau and I found a few treasures, well I had to look after all we were there. I bought the stuffie for the blue bedroom downstairs.

We got our coffee at The Peddling Beans. Then Gerry decided he would use the GPS, even though I had drawn out the directions, we argued a bit and then I said go ahead. Well goodness knows what he was thinking because he took French rd and I said this goes to Cedar. He insisted he was right until he knew he wasn't and decided to turn around. We got stuck on ice on a sloping farm drive. When ever he tried to move we went further to a dop off............he says "you try driving and I will put something under the wheel". Well I couldn't stand up on the ice so put my boots on. I got to the other side and flagged someone down and the nice man did stop, however, the towels under the wheels worked and we got out just fine. Thank goodness for the extra junk we carry. SO, now what. .......I had seen some cuties along the way so we stopped and got pictures,

So there we were back in Lake Leelanau, he wanted to keep on with GPS now knowing he misheard the instructions. SO hey ho what the heck.Go for it we are all about exploring. So off we go, I had no idea where it was taking us but eventually realized where we were. Had we gone the way I said through Leland we would have ended up there. Only thing was we missed the half of the trek that I had wanted to go on to get to Menominee beach, Never mind I can be flexible (grrr) well this GPS lady took us to the wrong Foxfire dr we ended up at a farm we had ended up at last year. Lucky no one around so we didn't have to explain. Hehe. Well back to it, she now takes us to the correct place. A private dr on a dead end road. Phew........and so we turned down the private road. Scared the heck out of me as I suddenly got the view of a great drop off looking over the lake Ack!!!! Can you see the water. I will darken the image......

The road was icy, it seemed it had been sanded at some point and so that helped. We saw our destination but turned around while we could and got back on the main road. Sighing a sigh of relief we gave up on the GPS and decided to now wait for the snow to go before trying to get in again. Not one animal to be back on the main road.

So eventually we pass Fishers and I just had to say, hey theres the road we would have taken had you followed my instructions tee hee....we were not hungry so decided we would wait and get a burrito at the Hayloft later. Now to decide, should we go on to Empire or turn back to Lake Leelanau. Well, I thought it would be fun to explore the road where we found the goats and horses (and got stuck) so we thought we would do that because it had began to rain a little bit. No sun ever shone. We passed the goats who were now inside, and continued on. It was a lovely road leading to Cedar. In fact it went through Isadore.

Its such a shame some of the old abandoned houses burned down. This is the tiny village with a big church where the Nun was murdered many many years ago,
That road continued into Cedar, well, onto the road that goes to Cedar. Someone told me today about a Beaver den on the other side of the road (Gatzke) where we came out onto Good Hardbor trail. So we must go back and find that.
So Just before the church at Isadore, in the fields there we saw a huge flock of Turkey.

So then we headed home but stopped to eat at the Hayloft.

So ended another adventure, Cant wait to get out again. Supposed to be nice on Monday (Maybe Sunday) and maybe I can get to Memominee beach..........we will stay off icy roads though