The British Robin is so much smaller than the one here. I really loved the cheeky little things and miss them a lot. Everyone knows the story of "The Secret Garden" and how the Robin shows the kids the secret door. How he sits on the gardeners spade waiting for worms. Well they used to do that in my Dad's garden too, and would practically be down in the dirt with him, impatient for a worm.
The American Robin is not so friendly and does not have the personality. It seems to be a small bird thing because Chickadees seem to be the same way. Very curious and friendly.
The American Robin is the size of a Thrush with the same body type. When I first saw one I could not believe it was a Robin.

The British Robins breast has a cute little heart shaped waistcoat........

Little Robin Redbreast.....children's rhyme
Little Robin Red breast sat upon a tree,
Up went pussy cat and down went he;
Down came pussy, and away Robin ran;
Says little Robin Red breast, "Catch me if you can".
Little Robin Red breast jumped upon a wall,
Pussy cat jumped after him and almost got a fall;
Little Robin chirped and sang, and what did pussy say?
Pussy cat said, "Meeow!" and Robin jumped away.

If I were a robin,
I'd live here too!
The carpet is washed
each morning with dew.
The apple trees bend
in the friendliest way.
If I were a robin,
I'm sure I would stay!
~Joan Walsh Anglund