What is boredom anyway? I am not really sure...........I know I am seldom at a loss as to what to do, mainly because I have so many choices. I do understand the feeling of not wanting to do anything, but is that boredom?. I don't think so. The dictionary uses the word "tedium" and that I understand when one has a chore that goes on forever same old same old over and over.
In daily life though I sometimes get restless, wanting to be back outside in the woods and fields. The winters are long in Michigan and maybe next year when Tristen is a bit older then maybe we will get some snow shoes or ski's?
OK so I don't get out much in the winter, not like that anyway. SO what to do when you have a 5 year old. First off he needs to "not be bored" and if he is happy I have plenty to do. Yesterday we took the kids to the Children's museum where they spent two hours playing. That for me and Laura was tedious haha.
Well we got through that ok and tired them out.
When Tristen is in school, right now only 1/2 days I can get my work done. Then in the afternoon I can read or paint/draw. I can do so many things that I don't sometimes know what to do. That is not being bored that is being spoilt for choices.
Reading takes you to another world, I have always loved to read. When Tristen was smaller I got out of reading simply because he needed more attention. Now when I pick him up from school I go early and sit and read.
After lunch I like to catch up on my mail and Facebook friends and then after that I can get into something else.
I like to do so many things, quilting, embroidery, crochet, sewing, knitting, watercolour and drawing among other things. I have enough supplies for papercrafts and just about everything else from gourds to basket making. Last summer I got into making garden ornaments. That brings me to my garden. I love my garden.
I love photography and love to bird watch. How can I be bored? I can stand for an hour just watching the birds at my feeder and taking pictures. That leads to working those on my computer. Thank goodness for digital and free programs. I could go on and on but I think I made my point. Boredom is foreign to me and I hope it always will be. Some days, as I said, I don't feel like doing a thing but then I have my computer so................woo hoooooooo and of course my blogs and blogging friends.
I agree we should have lot's of time on our hands but since i stopped work and my days are no longer controlled by the time of day they go much quicker and I like the amt of time I have to do as I want, I am enjoying my retirement very much.
You're not bored girl! LOL! Hugs ;o)
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