So today is Sunday and that's what we did, went for a drive. Gerry took the first picture of me taking pictures of Sunflowers

So I had hoped the Sunflowers were out on the road to Lake Leelanau, not quite, but they still looked pretty. I love old barns, I think I have said that before. We were headed for Leland. I had wanted to walk on the beach and look for Blue Stones. It is disappointing to say they have made the beach private.There is a very very small public beach, the rest is now private. It always has been but, there is the rule that we can walk on the shoreline no matter who the property owners are. I guess people just do not respect privacy anymore and so this has happened. As I could not see any sign of stones along the beach, I decided against it and we continued on with the idea of looking for the graveyard near Northport.

The problem was we didnt bring the maps/directions. We did stop at the Onominee Rd beach though, people there so headed the other way down the beach from them. It's very pretty.

Saw this guy on the beach.

Wildflowers on scenic roads.

So we went back and forth along the country roads after deciding we were not going to look for the graveyard and it was rather relaxing.

We changed direction and headed towards Port Oneida, more familiar ground. Stopped to see what was happening on my fav lake. They have put up signs. Cool. I saw a blue heron fly by just above the reeds, too quick to focus my camera though.

The house and barn that are close by are being taken over by the water. It will some day sink like the House of Usher. For now though it's still pretty and accessible.
I was hoping to see turtles sunning themselves from the bridge but this was the only one, a tiny tiny one.

I checked out the old school house because they had put up a sign.

From there we headed towards home. Gerry had his mind on Burrito's by then, and the Hayloft was our destination. Once the mind was set on food all was lost. We did not pack a lunch so by now at 3pm he was "starving" his words not mine. I would have been content to go on another few hours, that's OK. Another day.

Before we stopped to eat we pulled over at a "scenic view" I wanted pictures of the clouds but they were in a different direction. When we got home we saw it had rained. We had not seen any all day.

Next trip we will be organized and have the route planned. Then maybe we will find the Indian graveyard.
Back when we were at the lake I saw a pretty little bird and managed to get this shot.

Not sure what he is, I must look this one up..........It is a Tennessee Warbler who is a migrant bird. I had seen him earlier in the rushes but not close enough to ID. He came and sat in a tree right next to me. I was happy because I had seen a few birds I would have loved to photograph who were less cooperative........
After the Burrito and a Margarita it was home for us until the next time.