Monday, July 2, 2018

First of July second half of day......................

After we had visited the Twisted Fish, it was so hot I just didn't want to go any further. It was better to go and check out the trail. This farm is just beautiful, so well kept. Some years they have sunflowers in the fields both sides of the road and apparently the conservatory now has the other half the other side of the road. So far this year just Wheat growing.
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We drove back to the parking lot. I was not at all familiar with this trail and didn't see the map until we left. So we started off along the wooded trail. It was not so hot in the woods and quite pleasant, not sure how far to the beach.
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We started out and a herd of kids came squawking into the woods top volume. Mum, Dad and about 6 all ages of little noise boxes. No chance of seeing wildlife so made the most of what we could see.
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The Butterfly went about their business so were a distraction until the herd was through. Another kid and his mum went by and the kid had a friggin coat on over his swim suit.(Eye roll here)
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The woods were full of birds, it was lovely and quite once the tribes had all left. Was already knowing this beach had been sussed.
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It was not far to the beach and it opened up in front of us, the sand was boiling hot.Small scrubby dunes onto a wide beach and Bay.
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This little "pond" actually just a run off but in it were some tadpoles.
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When the waves come in again it will all get washed out.
The herd of kids were already in the water screaming their lungs out. One very tanned young man was laying on a lounger studying. A couple of old ladies (who am I to call them old) were paddling around with their dogs. I asked to take a picture of their dog
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The way back was a lot quieter, no more people arriving so I took some pictures of the farm. There was a police car in the parking area and he could see I was taking pictures. I asked if the house was empty and was it OK to take pictures. He told me that they still made Maple Syrup there but were all done with that. He said if the shack was open it would be OK to go in but I didn't check. There were barn swallows flying around.
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He said there was a grove of Maples close by and they got loads of syrup each year. They apparently now do demonstrations.
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What a beautiful home this must have been.
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This is the property over the road. I always take a picture of this barn so its nice to see it from a different angle
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All in all it was a rather nice adventure. Something new. I guess that beach won't be a new destination unless to show to someone else but was well worth the trip.
The Cherries are about ripe, usually are by July 4th and Cherry Festival.
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Lots of cherry stands along the road and I was surprised that Gerry didn't stop to buy a pie.
While we passed this field I saw that they have Bee Hives there, that's what I need to get my Squash fertilized..........
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So by then I was pooped, hot sticky and ready to go home.


LV said...

I am tired too tagging along on your outing. Very nice tho.

Jeni said...

Good to you out and about, Janice.
You must have missed not having Laurajane to accompany you.
Now, you have Gerry and looking like he starting to enjoy the trips, too!
Lovely scenery please keep them coming.

Janice Kay Schaub said...

Thanks Jeni, it was a nice walk. Short enough in the shade for such a hot day. Got a few new mozzie bites though. Yes he is beginning to enjoy.

Magic Love Crow said...

What a great adventure indeed!! Great photos Janice! I would have bought pie! LOL! I hope you are staying cool! Big Hugs!